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Author:( Gorgonio Nephtali)

1.Cervical agenesis: a case report

Batto Sofia Khristina T. ; Gorgonio Nephtali

Philippine Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility 2012;9(1):31-39

2.Predicting pre-malignant and malignant endometrial conditions among postmenopausal Filipino women based on ultrasound measurement of ovarian volume.

Tiuseco Cheryl T. ; Gorgonio Nephtali M.

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2014;38(4):9-13

5.Pregnancy in Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome: A case report and review of literature.

Sucayan-Sta. Ana Marizel Ann M. ; Gorgonio Nephtali M.

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2015;39(1):35-42

6.Creation of a scoring system to determine endometrial cancer risk using the International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA) features.

Mendoza Sharon Joyce P. ; Sigue Airen J. ; Gorgonio Nephtali M.

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017;41(4):9-17

7.Association between ovarian volume and endometrial malignancy in women with postmenopausal bleeding.

Dominguez Arlene R. ; Gorgonio Nephtali M. ; Sigue Airen J.

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2010;34(2):57-62

8.Creation of a scoring system to determine endometrial cancer risk using the International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA) features.

Sharon Joyce P. MENDOZA ; Airen J. SIGUE ; Nephtali M. GORGONIO

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017;41(4):9-17

9.A dilemma in the management of fetal pleural effusion: A case report of two cases

Lilibeth Lim-Navarro ; Nephtali M. Gorgonio

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2018;42(1):30-36

10.Prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms among Obstetrics and Gynecology residents-in-training during the COVID-19 pandemic

Mary Angelique A. De Guzman ; Nephtali M. Gorgonio

Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2024;28(3):1-5

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