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Author:( Goh Eh)

1.Periprostatic Lidocaine Infiltration Versus Transrectal Lidocaine Gel For Local Anaesthesia In Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostate Biopsy

Christopher CKH ; Goh EH ; Praveen S ; Zulkifli MZ

Journal of Surgical Academia 2011;1(1):35-38

3.Hematospermia: An Unusual Cause of Urology Emergency

Muhammad Hilmi H ; Goh EH ; Tan GH ; Rozman Z ; Nik Azuan NI Muhammad Hilmi H ; Goh EH ; Tan GH

Journal of Surgical Academia 2017;7(1):72-73

4.A Rare Case of Scrotal Basal Cell Carcinoma in the Presence of Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the External Auditory Meatus and its Management Strategy

Tan Gh ; Elsa Jr ; Fam Xi ; Shukor Na ; Goh Eh ; Praveen S ; Ho Cck ; Zulkifli Mz

Medicine and Health 2017;12(1):113-117

5.Extra-gonadal Germ Cell Tumour – What About the Testis!

Johann FK ; Praveen S ; Christopher CKH ; Goh EH ; Razman J ; Zulkifli MZ.

Journal of Surgical Academia 2011;1(1):28-31

6.Inflamatory Pseudotumor of the Bladder: A Histopathological Diagnostic Challenge from Its Malignant Variant

Muhammad Akbar ; Praveen S ; Christopher HCK ; Goh EH ; Swaminathan ; Zulkifli MZ

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(1):46-49

7.Effect of maternal age, birth weight and infant sex on total nucleated cell (TNC) count and volume of umbilical cord blood (UCB) collected.

Choong SN ; Ng YK ; Kamalan A ; Saraswathy S ; Goh EH ; Lee MJ ; Wong YT ; Yan SV

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2008;63 Suppl A():55-56

8.Prevalence and Awareness of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms among Males in the Outpatient Clinics of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre

Christopher Ho CK ; Praveen S ; Goh EH ; Tan GH ; Badrulhisham B ; Zulkifli MZ ; Khoo HW ; Su XV ; Ng JY ; Chong LL ; Lim DW ; Chen ES ; Teoh SY

Medicine and Health 2011;6(2):98-106

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