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Author:( Garcia Lester A.)

1.Five year biochemical recurrence-free rate following permanent prostate brachytherapy in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer.

Claveria James Ronaldo A. ; Garcia Lester A. ; Lantin Pedro L.

Philippine Journal of Surgical Specialties 2009;64(2):45-48

2.Pocket-sized light source device (PLSD): An alternative light source for endoscopic surgery in urology.

Varela Rogelio Jr. F. ; Garcia Lester A. ; Bernardo Ponciano Jr. M.

Philippine Journal of Urology 2011;21(1):5-8

3.Relief of renal colic using tramadol, tramadol/hyoscine-N-butylbromide or tramadol/alfuzosine combination therapy.

Lim Arman Joseph T. ; Garcia Lester A. ; Bernardo Pociano Jr. M.

Philippine Journal of Urology 2011;21(1):26-28

4.Retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy for a large benign adrenal tumor: A case report.

Varela Rogelio F. ; Caringal Jose Fortunato ; Garcia Lester A. ; Bernardo Ponciano M.

Philippine Journal of Urology 2011;21(2):52-56

5.Indications and outcomes of inferior vena cava filter insertion in a tertiary hospital in Metro Manila, Philippines: A retrospective cohort study.

Ma. Krizia Camille Yap-Uy ; Lester Uy ; Ramayana Diaz-Garcia

Philippine Journal of Cardiology 2023;51(2):35-43

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