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Author:( Fauzi AR)

1.Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Review from Islamic Point of View

Yousuf RM ; Mohammed Fauzi AR

The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2012;11(1):63-68

2.Update on the Management of Diabetes during Ramadan Fast for Healthcare Practitioners

Rathor MY ; Mohammad Fauzi AR ; Omar AM

The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2014;13(2):67-72

3.Usefulness of cytological specimens from bronchial brushings and bronchial washings in addition to endobronchial biopsies during bronchoscopy for lung cancer: 3 years data from a chest clinic in a general hospital.

Fauzi AR ; Balakrishnan L ; Rathor MY

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2003;58(5):729-734

4.Intrapulmonary bronchogenic cyst: single case report

How SH ; Tee HP ; AR Amran ; ARM Fauzi

Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre 2008;11(2):86-88

5.A mimicry of melioidosis by Klebsiella ozaenae infection

TH Ng ; SH How ; YC Kuan ; Adzura ; AA Aziz ; AR Fauzi

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2009;31(2):147-150

6.Predictors of in-hospital mortality in primary intracerebral haemorrhage in East coast of Peninsular Malaysia

RM Yousuf ; ARM Fauzi ; AR Jamalludin ; SH How ; M Amran ; TCA Shahrin ; OA Marzuki ; A Shah

Neurology Asia 2012;17(2):93-99

7.Role of rigid bronchoscopy in massive haemoptysis

Ng TH ; How SH ; Kuan YC ; R Ahmad MS ; Fauzi AR

Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre 2010;13(2):107-110

8.Airway Y-stent Insertion in Tracheobronchomalacia: A New Experience

Kuan YC ; How SH ; Ng TH ; Mohd Ashri A ; Mohammed Fauzi AR

The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2012;11(1):51-54

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