1.Ergonomic Engineering Intervention Of Batik Stamping Work To Reduce Lifting Load
Darliana M ; Hanisa H ; Azmul Fadhli K ; Nurulahda S ; Dian Darina Indah D
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2020;20(Special 1):124-127
One of the common health problems for small and medium enterprise such as batik production is work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD). This health problem may contribute to long-term medical effect on the production workers. For batik stamping workers, the load of the copper block that need to be used repetitively can reach up to 2kg. This study aims to reduce WMSD effect by reducing the lifting load of the cooper block handled by the batik stamping worker. The worker’s working load is observed before the intervention process by using one of the ergonomic risk assessment tools, Rapid Upper Limb Asssessment (RULA). The ergonomic intervention designed in this study is from the engineering approach by modifying tools. It is found out that the intervention done were able to eliminate the lifting load handled by the worker to avoid discomfort or further health complication. This outcome are hoped to be able to improve workers’ health and increase batik stamping work productivity that eventually increased company’s revenue.
2.Does Chlorella vulgaris Modulate the Expression of COL and MMP Genes in Skin Ageing?
Loke CY ; Nur Hidayah MS ; Mohd Fadhli MF ; Teo SK ; Nor Hidayah AG ; Yasmin Anum MY ; Suzana M
Medicine and Health 2010;5(1):1-12
Chlorella vulgaris, a unicellular microalgae, produces many intracellular phytochemicals
namely carotenoids, tocopherols, ubiquinone and protein. Skin ageing which is induced by oxidative stress involves decreased extracellular matrix synthesis and increased
expression of enzymes that degrade the collagenous matrix. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of C. vulgaris on the expression of genes encoded
for collagen (COL) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) which are involved in skin ageing. Human diploid fibroblasts (HDFs) were obtained from circumcision foreskin
of 8-12 year-old boys. HDFs were cultured into 3 groups: untreated control cells, cells with stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS; cells were induced with H2O2
at passage 6 for 2 weeks) and SIPS treated with C. vulgaris (prolonged C. vulgaris treatment started at passage 4 and combined treatment with H2O2 at passage 6 for 2 weeks). Senescence-associated ß-galactosidase (SA ß-gal) was determined using senescent cells histochemical staining kit (Sigma, USA). Expression of COLI, COLIII,
COLIV, MMPI, MMPII and MMPIII genes was quantitatively analysed with real-time RT-PCR method (iScript™ One Step real-time PCR with SYBR® Green; Biorad).
HDFs treated with H2O2 (SIPS) exhibited senescent morphological features of flattening
and enlarged with increased expression of SA ß-gal (p<0.05). Gene expression analysis showed COLI was downregulated in SIPS and SIPS treated with C. vulgaris
(p<0.05) while COLIII decreased in SIPS and increased in SIPS treated with C. vulgaris (p<0.05). Expression of MMPI was increased in SIPS and SIPS treated with C. vulgaris
(p<0.05) indicating its synergistic effect with H2O2 treatment. In conclusion, in skin ageing, COLI and COLIII genes were downregulated while MMPI was upregulated.
C. vulgaris modulated the expression of COL and MMP genes by downregulating COLI and upregulating COLIII and MMPI but it did not exert anti-ageing effect.