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Author:( Eva A. Goyena)

1.Effects of micronutrient powder and complementary food blend on growth and micronutrient status of Filipino rural children: a randomised controlled trial

Eva A Goyena ; Corazon VC Barba ; Ma. Theresa M Talavera ; Merlyne M Paunlagui ; Agnes C Rola ; Nancy A Tandang

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2018;24(4):475-492

2.Risk factors of stunting during the complementary feeding period 6-23 months in the Philippines

Mildred O. Guirindola ; Eva A. Goyena ; Ma. Lynell V. Maniego

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2021;27(No.1):123-140

3.Adherence to age-appropriate feeding practices among Filipino children under two: An analysis of the 2018- 2019 Expanded National Nutrition Survey

Eva Abille Goyena ; Ma. Lynell Valdeabella Maniego

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2022;28(No.3):423-439

4.Impact of COVID-19 in the participation of Filipino children 0-12 years old to nutrition-specific programs and their mothers' knowledge based on a Rapid Nutrition Assessment Survey

Imelda Angeles-Agdeppa ; Eva A. Goyena ; Maria Stephanie N. Parani ; Ma. Lynell V. Maniego

Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2021;25(COVID-19 Supplement):53-64

5.Validation of selected 2021 infant and young child feeding indicators for appropriate complementary feeding in relation to dietary adequacy and anthropometric status

Eva A. Goyena ; Ma. Lynell V. Maniego ; Antoniette G. Cristobal

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2023;29(No.3):501-517

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