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MeSH:( Essential)

1.Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in patients with essential tremor

Yakup Turkel ; Nurgul Ornek ; Ersel Dag ; Kemal Ornek ; Murat Alpua ; Tevfik Ogurel ; Yasar Olmez

Neurology Asia 2015;20(4):363-366

2.Gorham’s Disappearing Bone Disease: A Rare Cause of Extensive Bone Destruction

Subapriya Suppiah ; Roziah Muridan

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2016;12(1):60-62

3.Multicentric Disappearing Bone Disease treated with Arthroplasty

Chan CK ; Mohamed Razif-MA ; Azlina AA ; Azhar MM

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2016;10(3):42-45

8.Ketosteril, a simple drug but high efficiency in science and practice

Xang Van Nguyen

Journal of Medical Research 2002;18(2):50-51

9.Some opinions to the draft 4 th list of essential drug in Viet Nam

Dam Trung Do

Pharmaceutical Journal 2001;298(2):2-3

10.Guidline on use of esential drug list in medical facilities

Te Y Bo

Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;274(2):2-3

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