Yinsheng ZHAO ; ETAL ;
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army 1981;0(06):-
Human and horse polyvalent immune serum and immune globulin were used to control experimental pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis in burned and unburned mice. The results indicated that the survival rates for the human immune preparations ranged from 70-85.7%; and that for the horse immunoglobulin ranged from 71.4-90% Furthermore, surviving mice showed a shortening of clinical course with rapid abatement of symptoms and signs. The,survival rate was 14.8-20% in untreated control groups, and most of the mice died in 1-4 days after, infection.It is therefore believed that this immunological approach is an efficacious adjunctive measure in controlling life-threatening infection caused by pseudo-monas aeruginosa.
2.IIsolation and culture of enterochromaffin like cell and its functionaldetermination
Kun MIU ; Liang SUN ; Lh TANG ; ETAL ;
Chinese Journal of Digestion 1998;0(06):-
95 %viability .Histaminesecretionismeasuredbyenzymeimmunoassay .Basalsecretionwas (0 .6 ? 0 .2 )nmol/ 10 3cell.GastrinstimulatedhistaminesecretionwithEC50 of 3? 10 -10 mol/Landwasinhibited bypretreatmentofgastrinreceptorantagonistL3652 66,(IC50 10 -8mol/L) .TheDNAsynthesisofECLcell wasdeterminedbyBrdU .GastrinstimulatedECLcellDNAsynthesiswithEC50 of 2? 10 -11mol/L . ConclusionAboveresultsindicatedthatECLcellcouldlivewellinculturesystemandprovideagoodmeansfor investigatingcentralroleofECLcellfunction .
Mingfang ZHANG ; Naixin ZHANG ; Yubin TAN ; ETAL
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 1996;0(09):-
Meicai QIN ; Shenmao DING ; Baoquan ZHAO ; ETAL
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 1996;0(10):-
5.Osteoporosis and its relation with hip fracture in the aged
Liangyuan WEN ; Duoliang XU ; Hengjiang CAI ; ETAL
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 1996;0(09):-
Objective To observe the difference of bone mineral den sity(BMD )between the young and the aged people,old healthy people and old patients with hip fra cture;the incidence of hip frac-ture in the aged was also observed in order t o find out the relationship of hip fracture with osteoporosis in the aged.Met hods BMDof lumbar(L 2~4 ),femoral neck,Wards triangle and trochanteric area was measured in the healthy males(63case)and fe males(58cases)with in the age range of 20t o35years,and the BMD was evalu ated in the healthy male and female over60y ears with hip fractures.The445cases of hip fracture were reviewed from19 91to2000,of them218were males and226females with the average age o f 73.6years in males and71.9years in fe males.Results Allof quantitati ve data was analysed sta tistically.There was sig nificant difference in BMD between the young and the aged people(P
6.Expression of interleukin-6 in tubulointerstitial lesions of patients with active lupus nephritis and its significance
Xia LI ; Lin SUN ; Youji LI ; ETAL ;
Chinese Journal of Nephrology 1997;0(03):-
To investigate the pathogenic mechanism of interleukin 6(IL-6) in the tubulointerstitial lesions of patients with active lupus nephritis(LN). Methods Uninary IL-6 from 42 active LN cases and the renal tissues sections from 15 of them were examined by performing ELISA and in situ hybridization with IL-6 cDNA probe labelled by digoxingenin respectively. Results In 36/42 (85.7%) of active LN patients, uninary IL-6 content was higher than or equal to 5 pg/mg ,cr, while no one case did in normal controls. Uninary IL-6 content was highly correlated with the uninary ft-m and NAG excretion respectively. In normal tubules and interstitium, IL-6 mRNA was undetectable. For all sections from 15 active cases, IL-6 mRNA was found in tubular and interstitial cells, and the distribution correlated with the extent of tubulointerstitial lesions. Conclusion IL-6 is probably involved in tubulointerstitial lesions of patients with active lupus nephritis.
7.Appraisal of clinical experimental articles of interventional radiology in the Chinese Journal of Radiology
Xiangtao GAO ; Hongmei ZHANG ; Haiying YAN ; ETAL ;
Chinese Journal of Radiology 2001;0(08):-
Objective AccordingtothestandardofCochranehandbook (manual)weperformed statistics,analysis,andappraisalonatotalof 2 0volumes 15 8issuesofChineseJournalofRadiologyfrom 1980to 1999.Methods 2 0volumes 15 8issuesofChineseJournalofRadiologywereconsultedbyclinicalexpertstrained byChineseCochraneCenter,therelativerandomizedcontrolledtrial (RCT)andcontrolledclinicaltests (CCT) articleswereconsultedonebyonemanually .Results Withincreasingyears,thepercentageofRCTandCCT articlesaccountingforallclinicalexperimentalarticleswasincreasinggradually .BothRCTandCCTwere 0 %at early 80thandincreasedto 2 .17%and 7.97%respectivelyattheendof90th .Conclusion Theinvestigation levelofclinicalinterventionaltreatmentexperimentalarticlesisimprovinggradually ,butthepercentageofRCTand CCT :Forclinicaltreatmentexperimentalarticlesisstillnothighenough ,thedesign ,implementationandanalysis ofRCTarenotstandardizedsothatproblemsstillexistintermsofconfidenceofresult.
8.Expression of chimeric antigen of HCV with multiple immunodominant epitopes in E .coli and its application for serological tests
Hongyan SUN ; Quanli WANG ; Zhiyan DU ; ETAL ;
Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases 2001;0(05):-
Objective ToexpresschimericantigenofHCVwithmultipleimmunodominantepitopes inE .coliforimprovingthequalityofreagentsforHCVscreening .Methods Thegenefragmentencoding HCVchimericantigenwasobtainedbymolecularcloningmethodandclonedintopQE 30 plasmidforex pressioninE .coliM 15 .TheexpressedchimericantigenwaspurifiedbyNi NTAandcoatedonELISA platestoanalyzeitssensitivityandspecificity .Results Thechimericantigenof 5 30 0 0washighlyex pressed .ELISAassayofserumsamples (including 18HCVpositiveand 17negativesera)indicatedthatthe HCVchimericantigenhadhighsensitivityandspecificity .Conclusions ChimericantigenofHCVwith typicalimmunodominantepitopescanbeusedtodevelopgoodreagentsforHCVimmunoassay .
9.Changes of intercelluar adhesion molecule-1 and inhibitor of nuclear factor ?B after lipopolysaccharide induced pulmonary hemorrhage in neonatal rats
Xuxu CAI ; Yue DU ; Yunxiao SHANG ; ETAL
Chinese Journal of Perinatal Medicine 2003;0(05):-
Objective To investigate the changes and effects of intercelluar adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and inhibitor protein of nuclear factor-?B(I?B?) in pulmonary hemorrhage induced by endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in neonatal rats. Methods Sixty-eight seven to ten-day-old Wistar rats were separated into 2 groups randomly. In the experimental groups, LPS was injected intraperitoneally at the dosage of 5 mg/kg and the normal saline (NS) control group was injected with equal amount of NS intraperitoneally. The rats were sacrificed at 30 min, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h post injection. The histology of lung tissues were examined by microscope and electron microscope. The expression of ICAM-1, I?B?protein and mRNA expression were observed using Western blot and in situ hybridization. Results One hour after LPS administration, pulmonary hemorrhage and inflammatory responses were observed in the rat lungs. The ICAM-1 protein expression greatly increased at 2 h post injection and it was significantly higher than control group(178.13?8.18 vs 161.57?12.52, P
10.Expression of E-selectin in the endometrium of mouse early pregnancy
Jin ZHU ; Jian-Ping ZHOU ; Wei ZHANG ; ETAL
Chinese Journal of Immunology 1985;0(02):-
0.05). On the day4, day5, the expression of E-selectin protein were greatly higher than that of normal endometrium (57.52 + 7.03, 62.91 + 7.31; P