Acta Anatomica Sinica 1954;0(02):-
700 upper extremities of 350 Chinese adults were dissected.The courses of brachial arterial trunks may be grouped into 3 principle patterns:Normal(582 cases,83.14%), superficial brachial(64 cases,9.14%)and double trunks(54 cases,7.72%).Among the 350 cadavers,variations appeared bilaterally in 31 bodies(8.86%);unilaterally in 56 bodies(16.00%).The variations always occurred more often on the right(70 cases, 20.00%)than on the left(48 cases,13.71%). Among the 118 cases there were 64 cases with single arterial trunks of the arm accounting 54.24% of the total variations and double trunks in 54 cases,accounting for 45.76%.In 114 cases(16.29%)only one trunk occurred as a.brachialis superficialis. Its continuation in the forearm was grouped as follow: 1.Continued into a.radiailis and a.ulnaris in 67(58.77%)extremities 2.Continued into a.radiailis in 40(35.09%)extremities. 3.Continued into a.ulnaris in 2(1.75%)extremities. 4.Ended into a union at the cubital fossa and then divided again into a.radialis and a.ulnaris in 4 cases;in the remaining case it was a muscular branch from the superficial brachial artery. The significance of the pattern and chinese terms of the brachial arteral trunks was discussed.
Jiaqing YAO ; Hengru DAI ; Daojun DENG ;
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1955;0(03):-
The branches of the a. iliaca int. and ext. of 60 Chinese male adult cadavers (120sides) were studied and the findings are as follows: 1. The average length of the internal iliac trunk is 4.35?0.17cm,?=?1.34cm,in the left, and 4.56?0.21cm,?=?1.63 cm in the right. It is inversely proportionalto the average length of the common iliac artery. 2. The patterns of the branching of the superior, inferior gluteal and internalpudendal artieries may be classified into 5 types: type Ⅰ is present in 63 sides (cases)(52.5?4.55%); type Ⅱ and Ⅲ occur in 26 cases (21.67?3.76%); type Ⅳ occursin 4 cases (3.33?1.64%) and type Ⅴ is present only in 1 side (0.85 0.83%). 3. In most of the cases, the superior gluteal artery passes between the lumbosacraltrunk and the first sacral nerve (79.83%), while the inferior gluteal (66.67%) and theinternal pudendal artery (62.19%) usually pass between the second and third sacralnerve into the gluteal region. A few of these vessels may divide into 2 or 3 branchesbefore leaving the pelvis. 4. The accessory pudendal artery is present in 13 cases (10.83?2.83%). 5. The obturator artery originates from the internal iliac artery in 102 cases(85.0?3.26%), most of them spring from the anterior trunk of the internal iliacartery. In the other 18 cases, 2 spring directly from the external iliac artery (1.67?1.17%), 13 from the inferior epigastric artery (10.83?2.85%), and 3 have doubleorigins (2.5?1.42%), in which the 2 branches spring separately from the internal iliacand inferior epigastric artery. These abnormal obturator arteries occur in 14 cadavers(23.33?5.44%). 6. The iliolumbar artery is present in 80 cases (66.67?4.30%) as a singlebranch, in 37 cases (30.83?4.2%) with 2 separate branches and in 3 cases (2.5?1.43%) with 3 branches. It has various origins, most of them spring from the maintrunk or from the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery. 7. The lateral sacral artery occurs in 54 cases (45.0?4.54%) as a single branch,in 57 cases (47.5?4.55%) with 2 branches, and in 9 cases (7.5?2.44%) with 3branches. Its origin is comparatively constant, usually arising from the posterior trunkof the internal iliac artery. 8. Most of the superior vesical arteries spring from the root of the umbilical artery.The number of branches of this vessel varies from 1 to 6, but most of them have 1 (46cases, 38.33?4.43%) or 2 (45 cases, 37.5?4.42%) branches. 9. The inferior vesical artery has 1--3 branches. Most of them have a singlebranch (104 cases, 86.67?3.1%), it springs commonly from the anterior trunk of theinternal iliac artery or from the internal pudendal artery. 10. The deferent artery springs in 85 cases (70.83?4.15%) as a single branch,and in 35 (29.17?4.15%) with 2 branches. In the single-branch type it springsmostly from the root of the umbilical artery, and in the two-branch type both springcommonly from the superior vesical artery. 11. The inferior rectal (middle hemorrhoidal) artery is present only in 106 cases(88.33?2.93%), most of them spring from the internal pudendal and inferior glutealarteries. In 3 cadavers (5.0?1.99%) they spring from the middle sacral artery sym-metrically. 12. In 103 cases (85.85?3.32%) the inferior epigastric artery springs indepen-dently from the external iliac artery, in 16 cases (13.33?3.13%) it springs as a com-mon trunk with the obturator artery, and in one side (0.83?0.83%) with the medialfemoral circumflex artery. Its origin-site on the external iliac artery is proxmal to theinguinal ligament in 69 cases (57.5?4.51%) with an average distance of 0.95?0.10cm,?=?0.59cm in the left, and 0.73?0.08 cm,?=?0.43 cm in the right; in 43cases (35.83?4.67%) the origin-site is just behind the ligament; and in 8 cases(6.67?2.28%) it is distal to the ligament, its average distance is 0.48?0.09 cm,?=?0.18 cm in the left, and 0.45?0.11 cm,?=?0.22 cm in the right. 13. The deep iliac circumflex artery, a single branch, is present in 115 cases(95.83?1.82%), the remaining 5 cases (4.17?1.82%) have 2 branches. In 54cases (45.0?4.54%) its origin-site is just behind the inguinal ligament; in 36 cases(30.0?4.18%) is proximal to the ligament with an average distance of 0.56?0.09cm,?=?0.38 cm in the left, and 0.61?0.09 cm,?=?0.35 cm in the right; and in25 cases (20.83?3.72%) it is distal to the ligament, the average distance shows0.62?0.12 cm,?=?0.45 cm in the left, and 0.69?0.12 cm,?=?0.41 cm in theright.
3.Determination on the Content of Copper and Zinc in Tea by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Mantong SONG ; Huan WANG ; Lijie YE ; Lili DENG ; Daojun YU
Journal of Shenyang Medical College 2016;18(6):459-461
Objective:To determine the content of copper and zinc in tea by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and to investigate the influence on the content after leached for different time. Methods:The tea samples were leached for different time by boiling water and then the content of copper and zinc was determinated by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results:When the leaching time was less than 10 min, the content of copper and zinc increased significantly with the prolongation of the leaching time, while the increase was not obvious when the leaching time was more than 10 min. Copper and zinc showed good linearity in the range of 0.02-0.15 mg/L and 0.05-0.30 mg/L,separately. The recovery was in the range of 98.5%-101.1%for copper and 98.7%-101.2%for zinc with the RSD of 0.8%in copper and zinc (n=9) . Conclusion:The method is suitable to determine the content of copper and zinc in tea. Leaching time can influence the content of copper and zinc in tea significantly.