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1.Early central nervous system involvement in a young patient with dengue encephalitis

Alice Verghese ; Brian Cheong Mun Keong

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2016;71(1):41-42

2.Appendicular mass complicating acute appendicitis in a patient with dengue fever

Low Yen Nee ; Brian Cheong Mun Keong

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2016;71(2):83-84

3.Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage in severe dengue: To scope or not to scope?

Chen Hong Lim ; Benjamin Han Sim Ng ; Foong Kee Kan

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2017;72(1):55-57

4.Bilateral thalamic internal medullary lamina involvement in a case of dengue encephalitis

Sherrini Bazir Ahmad ; Chin Sum Cheong ; Shen-Yang Lim ; Kartini Rahmat ; Faizatul Izza Rozalli ; Shamala Devi Sekaran ; Helmi Sulaiman, Sasheela Ponnampalavanar ; Kheng Seang Lim ; Chong Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2016;21(4):375-379

5.Dengue: an overview

Sekaran SD ; Rathakrishnan A ; Yeo ASL

Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre 2014;17(2):23-32

6.A comparative study of acetated isotonic electrolyte solution, normal saline solution, and lactated ringer’s solution in the initial fluid resuscitation of children 1 month to 18 years old with severe dengue at the Philippine Children’s Medical Center.

Allen Kilby M. Palon ; Mary Joy S. Torres ; Ervina J. Astih ; Mellinor A. Aspuria-Ang

The Philippine Children’s Medical Center Journal 2018;14(1):43-60

7.Prospects for dengue vaccines for travelers.

Sl Ki LIM ; Yong Seok LEE ; Suk NAMKUNG ; Jacqueline K LIM ; In Kyu YOON

Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research 2016;5(2):89-100

8.Circulation of Dengue viruses types in Ha Noi, 1998

Mai Quynh Le

Journal of Preventive Medicine 1998;8(3):50-52

9.Descriptive Review of Safety, Reactogenicity and Immunogenicity of Dengue Vaccine Clinical Trials, 2003 –2013

Jelitha Ramachanderam ; Nirmalatiban Parthiban ; Nyanamalar Sivapalan ; Cabriz

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2015;70(2):67-75

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