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Author:( Consuelo B. Gonzalez-Suarez)

2.Spatiotemporal parameters of gait in Filipino adults using the 3-D motion capture system.

Maria Belinda Cristina C. FIDEL ; Consuelo B. GONZALEZ-SUAREZ ; Angelo R. DE LA CRUZ ; Edison A. ROXAS ; Ma. Roxanne FERNANDEZ ; Christopher Gabon CRUZ

Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2021;5(2):744-754

3.Viewpoint: Genicular nerve hydrodissection for knee osteoarthritis pain management

Mary Monica N. Bernardo-Bueno ; Consuelo B. Gonzalez-Suarez ; Steve Milanese

Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2024;8(2):1407-1412

4.Predictors of medical complications in stroke patients confined in hospitals with rehabilitation facilities: A Filipino audit of practice

Consuelo B Gonzalez-Suarez ; Consuelo B Gonzalez-Suarez ; Karen Grimmer ; Jan-Tyrone C Cabrera ; Isaias P Alipio ; Elda Grace G Anota-Canencia ; Maria Luisa P Santos-Carpio ; Janine Margarita R Dizon ; Lauren Liao ; Romil Martinez ; Eulalia J Beredo ; Carolina M Valdecaňas ; Vania Yu

Neurology Asia 2018;23(3):199-208

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