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MeSH:( Cohort Studies)

3.How to conduct and write a cohort study.

Michael Ian N. Sta. Maria ; Nicolas R. Gordo Jr.

The Filipino Family Physician 2024;62(1):42-50

4.MAP: Mutation Arranger for Defining Phenotype-Related Single-Nucleotide Variant.

In Pyo BAEK ; Yong Bok JEONG ; Seung Hyun JUNG ; Yeun Jun CHUNG

Genomics & Informatics 2014;12(4):289-292

9.Development of a validated Diabetes risk chart as a simple tool to predict the onset of Diabetes in Bogor, Indonesia

Eva Sulistiowati ; Julianty Pradono

Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2022;37(1):46-52

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