1.Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy for the treatment of acute massive pulmonary embolism: its preliminary clinical application
Qingqing WANG ; Haibin SHI ; Weizhong ZHOU ; Zhengqiang YANG ; Sheng LIU ; Chungao ZHOU ; Jinguo XIA ; Linsun LI
Journal of Interventional Radiology 2010;19(4):291-295
Objective Acute massive pulmonary embolism(PE)is a clinical emergency requiring rapid and supportive measures.With the development of interventional technology and devices,percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy(PMT)is considered to be an alternative for the treatment of PE,though there is still relative lack of clinical experience.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of PMT in the management of acute massive PE.Methods The clinical data of massive PE patients treated with interventional methods were collected and analyzed in a retrospective way.From Jan.2003 to Jan.2008,6 patients(5 males and one female,with a mean age of 62 years)with acute massive PE,which was initially diagnosed by computed tomography and finally confirmed by pulmonary angiography,were treated with percutaneous catheter fragmentation and/or Straub Rotarex thrombectomy device.Results The improvement of clinical status and restoration of blood flow in the main branches of pulmonary artery were obtained in all patients.Oxygen saturation(SaO2)increased from preoperative(79.5±5.3)%to postoporative (92.8±3.4)%,with P<0.01.Partial arterial oxygen pressure(PaO2)increased from preoperative(58.0±9.8)mmHg to postoperative(88.7±4.1)mmHg(P<0.01).After PMT treatment,the mean pulmonary artery pressure(PAP)decreased from preoperative(40.8±7.8)mmHg to postoperative(29.8±8.0)mmHg (P<0.01).Miller index decreased from preoperative 0.54±0.03 to postoperative 0.18±0.07(P<0.01).During a clinical follow-up period ranged from 1 to 5 years,four patients showed no recurrence of PE,the other two patients lost touch with the authors.Conclusion The preliminary experience in onr series suggests that PMT is an easy,effective and safe therapy in the clinical management of acute massive PE,especially when thrombolysis is contraindicated.
2.Interventional treatment of the complications occurring after renal transplantation: a clinical study
Chen WANG ; Sheng LIU ; Qingquan ZU ; Chungao ZHOU ; Xinlong LIU ; Bing WANG ; Chun ZHOU ; Haibin SHI
Journal of Interventional Radiology 2017;26(7):597-600
Objective To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of multi-mode interventional therapy for complications occurring after renal transplantation.Methods The clinical data of 26 patients with complications occurring after renal transplantation were retrospectively analyzed.Vascular and non-vascular complications were treated with different interventional techniques,and the curative effects were analyzed.Results Vascular complications were observed in 19 patients and non-vascular complications were seen in 7patients.The technical success rate of interventional therapy was 100%.One week after the treatment,the total creatinine level (SCr) was significantly improved,which decreased from preoperative (372.7±295.5)μmol/L to postoperative (184.3±138.4) μmol/L (P<0.001).No severe complications occurred.Further analysis indicated that no statistically significant differences in patient's general condition,kidney donor source,anastomosis method existed between vascular intervention group and non-vascular intervention (P>0.05).However,the onset time of vascular complications was markedly earlier than that of non-vascular complications (1.8± 1.4 months vs.118.3 ±54.4 months),the difference was statistically significant (P<0.001).During the follow-up period lasting for 4-55 months (mean of 18.6 months),3 patients developed recurrence of complications;interventional therapy had to be carried out in 2 patients and their creatinine level returned to normal after treatment,and transplanted renal artery embolization had to be performed in the other patient as whose pseudoaneurysm became enlarged.Conclusion For the treatment of complications occurring after renal transplantation,interventional therapy is less-invasive,rapidly-effective and safe,this technique can timely and effectively improve the renal function and save the transplanted kidney.
3.Transarterial embolization with low concentration of n-butyl cyanoacrylate in VX2 hepatic tumor rabbit: an experimental study
Qingquan ZU ; Haibin SHI ; Zhengqiang YANG ; Sheng LIU ; Weiwei GU ; Xinwei ZHANG ; Chungao ZHOU ; Linsun LI
Chinese Journal of Radiology 2011;45(6):575-579
Objective To investigate the feasibility, safety and efficacy of transarterial embolization with low concentration of n-butyl cyanoacrylate(NBCA) in rabbit VX2 liver tumor models. MethodsTwenty-four rabbits were implanted with VX2 hepatic tumors into the left hepatic lobes, and were scanned with CT to measure the volume of the tumor after 14 days. They were randomly divided into three groups with 8 rabbits assigned to each group. Transarterial embolization was conducted with physiological saline in control group A, with pure Lipiodol in group B, with 2.5% NBCA in group C. Hepatic toxicity was evaluated by blood biochemical analysis of the plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). One week later, the volumes of the tumors were measured by CT again. Tumor growth rate was the ratio of tumor's volume at 7th day after embolization to the tumors' volume before embolization. The survival periods of the rabbits of the three groups after treatment were also recorded. The data of ALT and AST mean values from each group were analyzed with repeated measurement analysis of variance (ANOVA). Tumor growth rates and survival periods were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA. Results All animal models were successfully established and underwent interventional catheterization. Both ALT and AST mean values of the rabbits in group A, B and C at each time point before and after embolization were significantly different (ALT F=10.508, 16.443, 19.828, respectively; AST F=23.696, 23.334, 15.594, respectively)(P<0.05). ALT in group A, B, C were (49.4±13.5), (115.2±48.8), (124.7±49.4)U/L, while AST in group A, B, C were (52.3±12.0), (128.3±50.1), (137.0±66.9)U/L 4 days after embolization. The ALT and AST mean values were significantly elevated 4 days after embolization in group B and group C compared with those before embolization and those of group A 4 days after treatment(P<0.05). However, the ALT and AST mean values showed no statistically significant difference in all the groups before embolization and 7 days after embolization. On the other hand, the growth rates of the tumors differed significantly among the three groups(F=110.865, P=0.000). The group C showed significantly lower tumor growth rate (0.839±0.144)% than the group A(2.978±0.547)%(P=0.000), but no significantly different tumor growth rate compared with group B(0.871±0.0725)%( P=0.845). Consequently, the survival period of the animals in group C(38.9±4.0) days was significantly longer than that in group A(32.1±3.1)days (P=0.006), while it was not significantly different from that in group B(36.9±4.8)days(P=0.366). ConclusionsTransarterial embolization with low concentration of NBCA was feasible and safe. It could be a new option of treatment for HCC and might have potential further clinical value.
4.Experimental study of intra-arterial and intravenous recombinant staphylokinase in canine model with acute ischemic stroke
Sheng LIU ; Haibin SHI ; Chenghu WANG ; Chungao ZHOU ; Wei YE ; Linsun LI
Chinese Journal of Radiology 2008;42(1):38-42
Objective To discuss the safety,efficacy and time window of thombolysis using recombinant staphylokinase(r-Sak).Methods The model of acute cerebral infarction was established with interventional embolization technique in 24 adult beagle dogs,which were randomly divided into 3 groups including control group,6 h intra-arterial group and 3 h intravenous group.Angiography was performed before thrombolysis.We administered r-Sak for thrombolysis(10 ml of saline in control group,0.2 mg/kg of r-Sak in the intra-arterial group through left internal carotid artery 6 h after embolization,and 0.2 mg/kg of r-Sak in the intravenous group through femoral vein 3 h after embolization).Follow-up angiography was repeated half,1 and 2 hours after thrombolysis.The plasma levels of PT,APTT and D-dimer were assayed at the time points of 30 min before thrombolysis,30 min,60 min and 120 min after thrombolysis.These canines were sacrificed,and their brains were taken out for pathological study at 24 hours after embolization.Results The recanaled vessels at 2 hours after thrombolysis was 11(11/13) in the intra-arterial group,8(8/11) in r-Sak intravenous group and 1(1/10) in control group,and the vessels of complete recanalization was 6(6/13),2(2/11) and 0(0/10),respectively.There were statistically significant differences among the three groups (P=0.001 and P=0.035 respectively),but there were no statistically significant differences between the intra-arterial and the intravenous groups (P=0.630 and P=0.211).The PT and APTT are significantly prolonged in the thrombolytic groups.The levels of D-dimer was not changed after thrombolysis (P>0.05). All dogs were alive 24 h ours after embolization.The clinical presentations in the thrombolytic groups were better.Pathologically,there were no cerebral hemorrhage in all groups.Conclusion r-Sak has strong effect of thrombolysis,and its complication of intracerebral hemorrhage is rare.The intra-arterial thrombolysis 6 h after embolization using r-Sak is safe and effective.
Peng ZUO ; Qinquan ZU ; Sheng LIU ; Chungao ZHOU ; Haibin SHI
Journal of Practical Radiology 2019;35(5):811-814,832
Objective Toevaluatetheclinicaleffectofinterventionaltreatmentfordelayedhemorrhageinpatientsafterabdominal surgery.Methods Dataof76patients,undergoingangiographyduetodelayedpostoperativehemorrhage,wereanalyzedretrospectively. Theexclusioncriteriaincludedpositiveangiographywithoutembolizationorhaemorrhagecausedbyothercauses(urologicaland reproductivesystemdiseases).Basedonendovascularprocedures,thepatientsweredividedintoembolizedgroup (positiveangiography withembolization)andnon-embolizedgroup(negativeangiographywithoutembolization).Theoutcomesoftreatmentwerecompared betweentwogroupsandfactorsassociatedwithrebleedingwerealsoanalyzed.Results Angiogramswerepositivein70% (53/76)of patients,andintravascularembolizationswereperformed.Intheembolizationgroup,technicalsuccessrateandclinicalsuccessrate were98.1%(52/53)and71.7%(38/53),respectively.Noseverecomplications,suchasgastrointestinalorhepaticischemicnecrosis wereobservedinallpatients.Therebleedingrateswere28.3%and52.2%intheembolizationgroupandthenon-embolizationgroup, respectively(P=0.046).Multivariateanalysisshowedthatuseofvasopressoragentsbeforesurgerywasanindependentriskfactor forrebleeding (P=0.022).Conclusion Intravascularinterventionaltherapyisasafeandeffectivemethodfordelayedhemorrhageafter abdominalsurgery.Useofvasopressoragentsbeforesurgerymayincreasetheriskofpostoperativerebleeding.
6.Chemoembolization by using ethanol-soaked gelatin sponge combined with chemotherapeutic drugs and/or iodized oil for HCC complicated by moderate-to-severe hepatic arterio-portal shunts: analysis of curative effect
Chun ZHOU ; Weizhong ZHOU ; Sheng LIU ; Chungao ZHOU ; Bin WANG ; Shaoxian WANG ; Haibin SHI
Journal of Interventional Radiology 2017;26(9):793-798
Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of peripheral chemoembolization by using ethanol-soaked gelatin sponge (ESG) combined with chemotherapeutic drugs and/or iodized oil in treating patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) complicated by moderate-to-severe hepatic arterio-portal shunts (APS).Methods The clinical data of 106 HCC patients associated with moderate-to-severe APS,who were treated with ESG chemoembolization during the period from June 2008 to December 2015,were retrospectively analyzed.The postoperative improvement of APS,the procedure-related complications,the tumor response,the survival time,the prognostic factors,etc.were statistically analyzed.Results In the 106 HCC patients associated with moderate-to-severe APS,the median survival time was 278 days,and the 6-,12-and 18-month cumulative survival rates were 70.8%,36.1% and 16%,respectively.Univariate analysis showed that sex,total bilirubin level,maximal tumor diameter,history of previous treatment,tumor response and postoperative improvement of APS were closely correlated with the patient's prognosis.Multivariate regression analysis indicated that tumor response and postoperative improvement of APS were the independent protection factors,while the female sex and the maximal tumor size ≥5 cm were the independent risk factors.Conclusion For the treatment of HCC complicated by moderate-to-severe hepatic APS,transarterial chemoembolization by using ESG combined with chemotherapeutic drugs and/or iodized oil is safe and effective.The presence of tumor response to treatment and the postoperative improvement of APS indicate a better prognosis.The female sex and the maximal tumor size ≥5 cm are the independent prognostic risk factors.
7.Mid-term efficacy of prostatic artery embolization for benign prostatic hyperplasia
Zhongwei XU ; Chungao ZHOU ; Wei TIAN ; Bin LENG ; Haibin SHI ; Sheng LIU
Chinese Journal of Radiology 2021;55(11):1197-1201
Objective:To investigate the mid-term efficacy of prostatic artery embolization (PAE) for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), urinary retention (UR) or hematuria secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).Methods:This was a retrospective study conducted from February 2014 to December 2018 in 140 patients who underwent PAE for LUTS, UR or hematuria secondary to BPH, including 85 patients with LUTS (60 patients with LUTS and 25 LUTS combined with hematuria), 52 patients with UR (50 patients with UR and 2 UR combined with hematuria) and 3 patients with hematuria. All patients were followed up for 24 months. Clinical success rates were evaluated. Friedman test was performed to compare the differences in International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), quality of life (QoL) score, and prostatic volume (PV) between baseline and follow-up time points (3, 6, 12 and 24 months). A post hoc test was performed by the Bonferroni method.Results:Significant differences in IPSS, QoL score and PV between baseline and follow-up time points were observed in 85 patients with LUTS ( P<0.001 for all), and clinical success rates at 3, 6, 12, 24 months after PAE were 95.3% (81/85), 91.8% (78/85), 87.1%(74/85), 83.5%(71/85). The success rate of extubation in patients with UR within 1 month after PAE was 98.1% (51/52). The average interval from PAE to catheter-independence was (6.8±3.7) days, and clinical success rates were 94.1% (48/51), 92.2% (47/51), 88.2% (45/51), 84.3% (43/51), respectively. The interval from PAE to the resolution of hematuria was (3.4±2.5) days, and clinical success rates were 90.0%(27/30), 90.0%(27/30), 83.3%(25/30), 80.0%(24/30), respectively. Conclusions:PAE was an effective treatment option for symptoms secondary to BPH in mid-term follow up.