1.Development and evaluation of a Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction for the detection of Salmonella species
Thong, K.L. ; Teh, C.S.J. ; Chua, K.H.
Tropical Biomedicine 2014;31(4):689-697
The present study aims to develop a system which consists of four pairs of primers
that specifically detects Salmonella spp., Salmonella serovar Typhi and Salmonella serovar
Paratyphi A with an internal amplification control. The system, when applied in Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR) under specific conditions, reaction mixture and cycling temperatures
produced four bands; 784 bp, 496 bp, 332 bp and 187 bp. The DNA band 784 bp is present in
all Salmonella spp., while the bands of 496 bp and 332 bp are only present in S. Paratyphi A
and S. Typhi, respectively. An internal amplification control as indicated by the 187 bp shows
the system is working in optimum condition in all the tests. This multiplex PCR was evaluated
on 241 bacterial cultures and 691 naturally contaminated samples. Overall, this multiplex
PCR detection system provides a single step for simultaneous detection of DNAs of Salmonella
spp., S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi A.
2.Bioinformatics characterization of Plasmodium knowlesi apical membrane antigen 1 (PkAMA1) for multi-epitope vaccine design
Azazi, A. ; Haron, F.N. ; Chua, K.H. ; Lim, Y.A.L. ; Lee, P.C. ; Chew, C.H.
Tropical Biomedicine 2021;38(No.3):265-275
Malaria caused by Plasmodium knowlesi species has become a public health concern, especially in Malaysia. Plasmodium knowlesi parasite which originates from the macaque species, infects human through the bite of the Anopheles mosquitoes. Research on malaria vaccine has been a continuous effort to eradicate the malaria infection, yet there is no vaccine against P. knowlesi malaria to date. Apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) is a unique surface protein of all apicomplexan parasites that plays a crucial role in parasite-host cell invasion and thus has been a long-standing malaria vaccine candidate. The selection of protective epitopes in silico has led to significant advances in the design of the vaccine. The present study aimed to employ bioinformatics tools to predict the potential immunogenic B- and T-cell epitopes in designing malaria vaccine targeting P. knowlesi AMA1 (PkAMA1). B-cell epitopes were predicted using four bioinformatics tools, i.e., BepiPred, ABCpred, BcePred, and IEDB servers whereas T-cell epitopes were predicted using two bioinformatics servers, i.e., NetMHCpan4.1 and NetMHCIIpan-4.0 targeting human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II molecules, respectively. The antigenicity of the selected epitopes computed by both B- and T-cell predictors were further analyzed using the VaxiJen server. The results demonstrated that PkAMA1 protein encompasses multi antigenic regions that have the potential for the development of multi-epitope vaccine. Two B- and T-cell epitopes consensus regions, i.e., NSGIRIDLGEDAEVGNSKYRIPAGKCP (codons 28-54) and KTHAASFVIAEDQNTSY RHPAVYDEKNKT (codons 122-150) at domain I (DI) of PkAMA1 were reported. Advancement of bioinformatics in characterization of the target protein may facilitate vaccine development especially in vaccine design which is costly and cumbersome process. Thus, comprehensive B-cell and T-cell epitope prediction of PkAMA1 offers a promising pipeline for the development and design of multi-epitope vaccine against P. knowlesi.
3.Genetic diversity of Merozoite Surface Protein-1 gene block 2 allelic types in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Malaysia and Thailand
Goh, X.T. ; Chua, K.H. ; Vythilingam, I. ; Lee, P.C. ; Tan, T.C. ; Yap, N.J. ; Chai, H.C. ; Nissapatorn, V. ; Lim, Y.A.L
Tropical Biomedicine 2019;36(1):70-80
Malaria is the most common vector-borne parasitic disease in Malaysia and Thailand,
especially in Malayan Borneo and along the Thailand border areas, but little is known about
the genetic diversity of the parasite. Present study aims to investigate the genetic diversity
of Plasmodium falciparum isolates in these two countries and eventually contributes to
more effective malaria control strategies, particularly in vaccine and antimalarial treatment.
One hundred and seventy three P. falciparum isolates were collected from Malaysia (n = 67)
and Thailand (n = 106) and genotyped using nested PCR targeting the polymorphic region of
MSP-1, block 2. Sequence analysis was conducted to investigate the allele diversity of the
isolates. Three allelic families were identified in Malaysian and Thailand P. falciparum
isolates, MAD20, K1 and RO33. Sequence analysis revealed that there were 5 different
MAD20, 1 K1 and 2 different RO33 for Malaysian isolates. Thailand isolates exhibited greater
polymorphism because there were 13 different MAD20, 6 different K1 and 2 different RO33
identified in this study. Multiclonal infections were observed for the isolates in both countries,
however, low multiplicity of infection (MOI) was observed for Malaysian (1.1) and Thailand
(1.2) isolates. Phylogenetic analysis showed that P. falciparum isolates of Malaysia and
Thailand were clustered in the same group for all the allelic families. Population structure of
P. falciparum isolates in Malaysia and Thailand exhibit extensive genetic polymorphism but
showed high similarities as well as comparable MOI.
4.Toxoplasma gondii infection among selected indigenous community in Sarawak, East Malaysia
Ngui, R. ; Hassan, N.A. ; Chang, L.Y. ; Teh, S.J.C. ; Chua, K.H. ; Kee, B.P. ; Hoe, S.Z. ; Lim, Y.A.L.
Tropical Biomedicine 2020;37(No.1):155-164
Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite that causes toxoplasmosis in humans. To date, little is known about T. gondii infection among the indigenous community, particularly in East Malaysia. This study was conducted to determine the status of T. gondii infection and to investigate associated risk factors among the indigenous community of Sarawak, East Malaysia. The sociodemographic data was obtained using a pretested questionnaire. A serological test was done to detect the presence of specific IgM and IgG antibodies against T. gondii in serum samples. A nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine acute infection among seropositive individuals. The overall seroprevalence of T. gondii infection was 50% (95% CI = 43.3 – 56.7). From this subset, 40.1%, 5.7%, and 4.2% were positive for anti-T. Gondii IgG antibodies, IgM, and both IgG and IgM, respectively. Four seropositive samples were amplified through PCR. None of the pregnant women tested positive for T. gondii infection based on the serological and PCR assays. A significant association was found between age, low monthly household income, unemployment, usage of untreated water and close contact with T. gondii seropositive cats. These results provide basic information on T. gondii infection and may be useful for policymakers to initiate prevention and control programs, especially amongst pregnant women and women of childbearing age in the indigenous community.
5.In silico structural modeling and quality assessment of Plasmodium knowlesi apical membrane antigen 1 using comparative protein models
Haron, F.N. ; Azazi, A. ; Chua, K.H. ; Lim, Y.A.L. ; Lee, P.C. ; Chew, C.H.
Tropical Biomedicine 2022;39(No.3):394-401
Plasmodium knowlesi is the most common zoonotic parasite associated with human malaria infection
in Malaysia. Apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) protein in the parasite plays a critical role in parasite
invasion into host cells. To date, there is no complete three-dimensional ectodomain structure of P.
knowlesi AMA1 (PkAMA1) protein. The knowledge of a protein structure is important to understand
the protein molecular functions. Three in silico servers with respective structure prediction methods
were used in this study, i.e., SWISS-MODEL for homology modeling and Phyre2 for protein threading,
which are template-based modeling, while I-TASSER for template-free ab initio modeling. Two query
sequences were used in the study, i.e., native ectodomain of PkAMA1 strain H protein designated as
PkAMA1-H and a modified PkAMA1 (mPkAMA1) protein sequence in adaptation for Pichia pastoris
expression. The quality of each model was assessed by ProSA-web, QMEAN and SAVES v6.0 (ERRAT,
Verify3D and Ramachandran plot) servers. Generated models were then superimposed with two models
of Plasmodium AMA1 deposited in Protein Data Bank (PDB), i.e., PkAMA1 (4UV6.B) and Plasmodium
vivax AMA1 (PvAMA1, 1W81) protein structures for similarity assessment, quantified by root-meansquare deviation (RMSD) value. SWISS-MODEL, Phyre2 and I-TASSER server generated two, one and
five models, respectively. All models are of good quality according to ProSA-web assessment. Based on
the average values of model quality assessment and superimposition, the models that recorded highest
values for most parameters were selected as best predicted models, i.e., model 2 for both PkAMA1-H
and mPkAMA1 from SWISS-MODEL as well as model 1 of PkAMA1-H and model 3 of mPkAMA1 from
I-TASSER. Template-based method is useful if known template is available, but template-free method
is more suitable if there is no known available template. Generated models can be used as guidance
in further protein study that requires protein structural data, i.e., protein-protein interaction study.
6.A conventional multiplex PCR for the detection of four common soil-transmitted nematodes in human feces: development and validation
Hassan, N.A. ; Noor Badi, F.A. ; Mohd-Shaharuddin, N. ; Wan Yusoff, W.S. ; Lim, Y.A.L. ; Chua, K.H. ; Sidi Omar, S.F.N. ; Chang, L.Y. ; Majid, H.A. ; Ngui, R.
Tropical Biomedicine 2022;39(No.1):135-142
Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections, mainly caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris
trichiura, and hookworms, are among the most common intestinal parasites that infect
humans. The infections are widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical countries,
including Malaysia, particularly in underprivileged communities. Microscopic and culture
techniques have been used as a gold standard for diagnostic techniques. However, these
methods yield low sensitivity and specificity, laborious and time-consuming. Therefore,
simple, rapid, and accurate alternative methods are needed for the simultaneous detection
of STH infections. Although advanced technologies such as real-time multiplex PCR have
been established, the use of this technique as a routine diagnostic is limited due to the
high cost of the instrument. Therefore, a single-round multiplex conventional PCR assay for
rapid detection of four STH species in the fecal sample was developed in this study. To
perform the single-round multiplex PCR, each pair of species-specific primers was selected
from target genes, including Ancylostoma duodenale (Internal Transcribed Spacer 2; accession
No. AJ001594; 156 base pair), Necator americanus (ITS 2; accession No. AJ001599; 225 base pair),
Ascaris lumbricoides (Internal Transcribed Spacer 1; accession No. AJ000895; 334 base pair)
and Trichuris triciura (partial ITS 1, 5.8s rRNA and partial ITS 2; accession No. AM992981; 518
base pair). The results showed that the newly designed primers could detect the DNA of STH
at low concentrations (0.001 ng/μl) with no cross-amplification with other species. This
assay enables the differentiation of single infections as well as mixed infections. It could
be used as an alternative and is a convenient method for the detection of STHs, especially
for the differentiation of N. americanus and A. duodenale.
7.Distribution of virulence genes in clinical isolates of hospital-associated and community-associated methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus from Terengganu, Malaysia
Che Hamzah, A.M. ; Yeo, C.C. ; Puah, S.M. ; Chua, K.H. ; A. Rahman, N.I. ; Ismail, S. ; Abdullah, F.H. ; Othman, N. ; Chew, C.H.
Tropical Biomedicine 2024;41(No.2):149-156
Staphylococcus aureus is a common bacterial pathogen known to cause various kinds of infections due to
its repertoire of virulence factors. This study aimed to investigate the distribution of 19 types of virulence
genes among clinical isolates of methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) using the polymerase chain
reaction. A total of 109 MSSA isolates, i.e., 63 hospital-associated (HA) and 46 community-associated (CA)
were collected from Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, the main tertiary hospital in Terengganu, Malaysia,
from July 2016 to June 2017. The most frequent virulence genes detected were hla (78.9%, n=86) and
hld (78.0%, n=85) encoding hemolysins, lukED (56.9%, n=62) encoding leukotoxin ED, followed by seb
(26.6%, n=29) and sea (24.8%, n=27) encoding enterotoxins. Among 34 (31.2%) isolates carrying six
or more virulence genes, only five were multidrug resistant (MDR) while the remaining isolates were
susceptible. Significant associations were discovered between the hld gene with CA-MSSA (p=0.016) and
the seo gene with HA-MSSA (p=0.023). However, there is no significant association between virulence
genes among the different types of infection. The clinical MSSA isolates in Terengganu showed high
prevalence and high diversity of virulence gene carriage.