1.Feasibility and Validity of a Computer-based Version of SEIQoL-DW Compared to Original Interview-based Versions in Healthy Medical Students
Sachiko Ohde ; Sadayoshi Ohbu ; Gautam A. Deshpande ; Osamu Takahashi ; Eiji Gotoh ; Chikako Inoue ; Tsuguya Fukui
General Medicine 2013;14(2):115-118
Purpose: The Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life - Direct Weighting (SEIQoL-DW) is designed to investigate an individual's perspective on their own quality of life (QOL) and has been used widely among various clinical populations, including cancer patients and those with chronic kidney disease, in addition to healthy participants. While the original SEIQoL-DW is a semi-structured interview, other formats have been developed; recently computer-based versions have yielded equivalent results comparable to paper-based versions. However, no previous study has examined differences between the computer-based version and its original interview-based design. The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility and validity of a computer-based version of the SEIQoL-DW, compared with the original interview-based format.
Methods: We conducted a non-randomized crossover study with 13 medical students from November 2008 to January 2009 at a municipal university in Yokohama, Japan. Both the computer-based and interview-based versions of SEIQoL-DW were administered to all study participants. Wilcoxon-signed rank test was used to compare differences in mean SEIQoL Index score between computer-based and interview-based results. The intra-class correlation coefficient and the Bland and Altman limits of agreement methods were used to compare formats.
Results: No significant differences were found in the SEIQoL-DW Index between the computer-based and interview versions after analysis with Wilcoxon-signed rank test (p = 0.501). The intra-class correlation between formats was 0.94 (CI: 0.81–0.98). The limit of agreement analysis showed that 53.3% of the observations were within ±1–5 units of the average score, while 46.7% were within ±5–10 units. In total, 100% of observations were within ±1–10 units.
Conclusions: The computer-administered version of SEIQoL-DW may be feasible and acceptable and provides a valid alternative, at least in healthy subjects, to the more cumbersome interview version. Use of the computer-based version will facilitate its application to larger patient populations in various clinical settings.
3.A Survey on Training of Simulated and Standardized Patients(SP)and SP Program in Undergraduate Medical Education in Japan
Toshiro Shimura ; Fumihito Yoshii ; Akinobu Yoshimura ; Keiko Abe ; Yuzo Takahashi ; Haruko Saeki ; Kazuhiko Fujisaki ; Ryoko Aso ; Chikako Inoue
Medical Education 2011;42(1):29-35
A survey was conducted to better understand the current status of training of simulated and standardized patients (SP) in medical education and training protocol of SP training at each site, and to determine the future planning of the committee
1) Methods: A series of questions regarding the SP and SP training was sent to all 80 medical schools in Japan.
2) Results: Responses were received from 68 medical school (85%). According to the survey result, 43 medical schools (63%) trained their own SP. The total numbers of SP reported in this survey were 1,036 with ratio of male to female 1:3. The average numbers of SP at each medical school were 24 (range 5 to 87). SP training protocols were included basic training (88%) and to prepare common achievement test OSCE (84%), classes (74%) and advanced OSCE(60%). Only 6 medical school (14%) had the systematic curriculum for SP training.
3) Conclusion: To produce standardized, accurate SP training for medical education, the committee recommends to establish the standard curriculum and portrayal requirements for SP training.
4.Training Curriculum for Simulated and Standardized Patients: The 16th Medical Simulation Committee of the Japan Society for Medical Educatio
Toshiro Shimura ; Fumihito Yoshii ; Akinobu Yoshimura ; Keiko Abe ; Yuzo Takahashi ; Haruko Saeki ; Kazuhiko Fujisaki ; Ryoko Aso ; Chikako Inoue
Medical Education 2012;43(1):33-36
1.The basic training curriculum for simulated and standardized patients (SPs) was provided by the 16th Medical Simulation Committee based upon a nationwide field survey that was conducted by the committee in 2009 and other data.
2.The curriculum consists of 3 essential programs: interpersonal communication, medical education involving SPs, and the medical interview.
3.The medical interview program was composed of basic issues, comprehension of scenarios, acting role and performance, and feedback and assessment.
4.The training facilities or institutions were recommended to properly assess the performance quality of SPs in the educational setting by means of a specific and clearly defined evaluation method.
5.A Workshop on Supporting Students with Developmental Disabilities 2023
Kei MUKOHARA ; Yasushi MIYATA ; Hideki NOMURA ; Mayumi ASAHINA ; Shinji TAKADA ; Chikako INOUE ; Chihiro KAWAKAMI ; Koju FUNAKOSHI
Medical Education 2023;54(5):484-487
With the enactment of the amended Anti-Discrimination Act, which mandates the provision of reasonable accommodations, the urgent task for all health professional education institutions is to establish a support system for students with developmental disabilities. On the other hand, they are also required to fulfill their social accountability through quality assurance in education, such as the implementation of outcome-based education curriculum. In order to consider how to balance reasonable accommodations for students with developmental disabilities, quality assurance in education, and social accountability in undergraduate medical education, Professionalism Subcommittee held a workshop on April 22, 2023. The participants engaged in active discussions during the workshop. Through a post-workshop survey, educational needs and challenges in supporting students with developmental disabilities were clarified, providing insights for future Subcommittee activities.
6.The Attributes and Competencies of Physicians: An Exploration of Professionalism
Professionalism SUBCOMMITTEE ; Yasushi MIYATA ; Hideki NOMURA ; Mayumi ASAHINA ; Chikako INOUE ; Yusuke TAKAMIYA ; Hidetaka YOKOO ; Mikako OBIKA ; Akihiko OZAKI ; Shinji TAKADA
Medical Education 2024;55(1):35-39
The Professionalism subcommittee of Japan Society for Medical Education has been examining a diverse range of issues related to medical professionalism education for approximately the past 20 years. In July 2015, the committee formulated and presented a draft on “ The Attributes and Competencies of Physicians: An Exploration of Professionalism” Based on this, we have been conducting educational activities on professionalism education, but we had not documented this draft. We are now re-presenting the draft here with minor lexical corrections and additional notes. The professionalism of physicians is delineated in seven attributes and competencies :1. Sense of mission and responsibility towards society2. Practice of patient-centered health care3. Demonstration of integrity and justice4. Acceptance of diverse values and sharing of fundamental values5. Fulfilling roles as leaders/members in organizations and teams6. Pursuit of excellence and lifelong learning7. Self-management and career developmentThis document is presented with the expectation that it will contribute to future discussions on professionalism education.