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Author:( Chew Kek Lee)

1.Lipid lowering drugs induced adverse cutaneous drug reactions

Lee Chew Kek ; Lee YY ; Roshidah B

Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2011;27(-):22-22

2.Bullous Pemphigoid in an Elderly Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Refractory Anemia Coupled with Excess of Blast.

Yin Yin LEE ; Ping Chong BEE ; Chew Kek LEE ; Manimalar NAIKER ; Rokiah ISMAIL

Annals of Dermatology 2011;23(Suppl 3):S390-S392

3.Efficacy and Safety of Azithromycin in Moderate Acne Vulgaris

Navedur Rehman ; Chin Chwen Ch&rsquo ; ng ; Thavin Kumar Mathana Sundram ; Chew Kek Lee ; Eugenie Sin Sing Tan ; Chung Keat Tan

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(No.2):69-74

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