1.Multi-Disciplinary Care Approach and Pre-Operative Vascular Mapping Can Improve Arteriovenous Fistula Outcomes in Chinese Hemodialysis Patients
Ip CH ; Ma WK ; Lam YC ; Fung KS ; Cheung FK
Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1
The AVF outcomes in terms of primary failure, patency and complication rates were significantly improved after introduction of multi-disciplinary care approach and pre-operative sonographic vascular mapping. These initiatives should be carried on and widely promoted in various hospitals with hemodialysis facilities.
2.Striving Toward Fistula First – A Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach
Lee SH ; Hui KC ; Leung LM ; Fung KS ; Tang HL ; Ma WK ; Yiu MK ; To KC ; Cheung FK ; Wong WYS ; Kong LLI
Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1
Team collaboration is critical to boost up AVF use and to reduce catheter use and its related complications. This
program is workable towards ‘Fistula First’ international benchmark and to strive to enhance patient’s vascular
access outcomes.