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Author:( Celia Carlos)

1.The 2009 antimicrobial resistance surveillance program: Progress report

Celia C. Carlos

Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines Journal 2010;11(2):2-8

2.Prevalence of osteonecrosis of the jaw and oral characteristics of oncologic patients treated with bisphosphonates at the General Hospital of Mexico.


Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2016;42(6):365-369

3.Hospital preparedness for Ebola virus disease: a training course in the Philippines

Celia Carlos ; Rowena Capistrano ; Charissa Fay Tobora ; Mari Rose delos Reyes ; Socorro Lupisan ; Aura Corpuz ; Charito Aumentado ; Lyndon Lee Suy ; Julie Hall ; Julian Donald ; Megan Counahan ; Melanie S Curless ; Wendy Rhymer ; Melanie Gavin ; Chelsea Lynch ; Meridith A Black ; Albert D Anduyon ; Petra Buttner ; Rick Speare

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2015;6(1):33-43

4.A fifteen-year report of serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance of salmonella in the Philippines

Sonia Sia, Marietta Lagrada ; Agnettah Olorosa ; Marilyn Limas ; Manuel Jamoralin Jr. ; Polle Krystle Macaranas ; Holly Grace Espiritu ; June Gayeta ; Melissa Masim ; Ferissa Ablola ; Celia Carlos

Philippine Journal of Pathology 2020;5(1):19-29

5.Genomic surveillance of Acinetobacter baumannii in the Philippines, 2013–2014

Jeremiah Chilam ; Silvia Argimon ; Marilyn T Limas ; Melissa L Masim ; June M Gayeta ; Marietta L Lagrada ; Agnettah M Olorosa ; Victoria Cohen ; Lara T Hernandez ; Benjamin Jeffrey ; Khalil Abudahab ; Charmian M Hufano ; Sonia B Sia ; Matthew TG Holden ; John Stelling ; David M Aanensen ; Celia C Carlos

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2021;12(4):46-60

6.Genomic surveillance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the Philippines, 2013–2014

Melissa L Masim ; Silvia Argimon ; Holly O Espiritu ; Mariane A Magbanua ; Marietta L Lagrada ; Agnettah M Olorosa ; Victoria Cohen ; June M Gayeta ; Benjamin Jeffrey ; Khalil Abudahab ; Charmian M Hufano ; Sonia B Sia ; Matthew T. G. Holden ; John Stelling ; David M. Aanensen ; Celia C Carlos

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2021;12(1):06-16

7.Genomic surveillance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in the Philippines, 2013–2014

Manuel C Jamoralin, Jr ; Silvia Argimon ; Marietta L Lagrada ; Alfred S Villamin ; Melissa L Masim ; June M Gayeta ; Karis D Boehme ; Agnettah M Olorosa ; Sonia B Sia ; Charmian M Hufano ; Victoria Cohen ; Lara T Hernandez ; Benjamin Jeffrey ; Khalil Abudahab ; John Stelling ; Matthew T. G Holden ; David M Aanensen ; Celia C Carlos

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2021;12(1):17-25

8.Genomic surveillance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the Philippines, 2013-2014

Jeremiah Chilam ; Silvia Argimon ; Marilyn T Limas ; Melissa L Masim ; June M Gayeta ; Marietta L Lagrada ; Agnettah M Olorosa ; Victoria Cohen ; Lara T Hernandez ; Benjamin Jeffrey ; Khalil Abudahab ; Charmian M Hufano ; Sonia B Sia ; Matthew T. G Holden ; John Stelling ; David M Aanensen ; Celia C Carlos

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2021;12(2):04-18

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