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Author:( Cejudo Adelaide)

1.Contribution of the FAST (fight against stigma) program to better training of primary health care providers in mental health.

Moussaoui Driss ; Cejudo Adelaide ; Gerard Daniel A

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2017;39(1):53-

2.FAST (Fight Againststigma): A WASP/Sanofi collaborative model for improving mental health literacy.

Gerard Daniel A ; Cejudo Adelaide ; Moussaoui Driss

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2017;39(1):53-

3.Contribution of the FAST (fight against stigma) program to better training of primary health care providers in mental health.

Driss MOUSSAOUI ; Adelaide CEJUDO ; Daniel A GERARD

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2017;39(1):53-

4.FAST (Fight Against Stigma): A WASP/Sanofi collaborative model for improving mental health literacy.

Daniel A GERARD ; Adelaide CEJUDO ; Driss MOUSSAOUI

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2017;39(1):53-

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