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Author:( Castillo Teresita R)

1.Intravenous methylprednisolone versus oral prednisone for initial attacks of optic neuritis: A review of evidence

Castillo Teresita R

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2005;30(2):67-72

2.Comparison of performance of graduates in traditional curriculum and graduates in an organ system integrated curriculum from the same medical school on the physician licensure examinations

Valbeuna Marisa N ; Castillo Teresita R ; Dimaano Tita L

Acta Medica Philippina 2011;45(2):58-60

4.Assessment of a public health promotion and education module at the graduate level: A basis for revision of learning resource material for teaching and training health promotion and education.

Guevarra Jonathan P. ; Ramos-Mortel Buenalyn Teresita M. ; Gregorio Ernesto R. ; Castillo Eleanor C.

Acta Medica Philippina 2015;49(3):66-72

5.Correlation of performance of students in comprehensive examinations, general weighted average grade to the physician licensure examinations in a medical school with an organ system integrated curriculum.

Valbuena Marissa N. ; Castillo Teresita R. ; Lapeña Josefina I. ; Dimaano Tita L.

Acta Medica Philippina 2013;47(2):31-35

6.Correlation of National Medical Admission Test scores, general weighted average grade in pre-medicine courses, general weighted average grade in medicine and the Physician Licensure Examination scores among medical graduates of the University of the Philippines Manila-College of Medicine.

Valbuena Marissa N ; Castillo Teresita R ; Villalon Pearl T ; Dimaano Tita L

Acta Medica Philippina 2011;45(3):69-72

7.Operating Room Efficiency for General Anesthesia Cases in the Department of Ophthalmology in a Public Tertiary Hospital

Maria Isabel N. Umali ; Teresita R. Castillo

Acta Medica Philippina 2021;55(1):16-22

8.Pandemic challenge accepted: The Philippine Board of Ophthalmology shifts to online administration of its certifying examinations

Teresita R. Castillo ; Alvina Pauline D. Santiago

Acta Medica Philippina 2023;57(2):7-13

9.Correlation of the in-training examination in ophthalmology with the written certifying examination of the Philippine Board of Ophthalmology

Teresita R. Castillo ; Marissa N. Valbuena

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2011;36(2):54-60

10.Partnership for health development through the field practice.

Guevarra Jonathan P. ; Oidem Maribel G. ; Estrada Josue Antonio G. ; Bertuso Arlene G. ; Borja Maridel P. ; Bullecer Ernani R. ; de Guzman Teresita S. ; Leonardo Lydia R. ; Molina Victorio B. ; Yanga-Mabunga Ma. Susan T. ; Castillo Eleonor C. ; Hernandez Paul Michael R. ; Ignacio Ma. Socorro E. ; Javier Richard S. ; Pinlac Paul Adrian V. ; Roxas Evalyn A.

Acta Medica Philippina 2014;48(3):79-83

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