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Author:( Calma-Balderrama Norieta M.)

1.Long term effects of separation on the children of overseas contract workers

Briones-Querijero Margaret M. ; Calma-Balderrama Norieta M.

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2005;29(2):21-26

2.A cross-sectional study on the association between social media addiction, body image, and social comparison among young adult Filipino women aged 18-25 years old in Metro Manila.

Alissa Jane R. Gamboa ; Maria Katrina P. Gamboa ; Pauline Angela M. Gamboa ; Rochelle Ann P. Gamboa ; Aldre Lorenzo R. Garcia ; Diana Mae T. Garcia ; Eunice Joy C. Garcia ; Jewel Ann N. Garcia ; Maria Patricia Z. Garcia ; Ricardo C. Garcia Jr. ; Kashmeer Georgia M. Gaviola ; Norieta Calma-Balderrama ; Jose Ronilo G. Juangco

Health Sciences Journal 2023;12(1):1-11

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