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Author:( CJK Henry)

1.Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) and white rice diets elicit similar glycaemic response in Asian Indians: Evidence from a randomised clinical trial using continuous glucose monitoring

Shanmugam Shobana ; Rajagopal Gayathri ; Chandrasekaran Anitha ; Vasudevan Kavitha ; Nagamuthu Gayathri ; Mookambika Ramya Bai ; Nagarajan Lakshmipriya ; Muthukaruppan Malavika ; Vasudevan Sudha ; Ranjit Unnikrishnan ; Ranjit Mohan Anjana ; NG Malleshi ; Kamala Krishnaswamy ; CJK Henry ; Viswanathan Mohan

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2018;24(3):455-466

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