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Author:( Bravo Sybil Lizanne R.)

1.The effects of changing surgical blades after skin cutting during cesarean section on the risk of postoperative infectious morbidity: A single-blinded randomized trial at a tertiary hospital.

Flores Charlene M ; Bravo Sybil Lizanne R

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2014;38(1):43-49

2.Randomized, single-blinded comparison of efficacy, safety and tolerability of metronidazole 750mg - miconazole 200mg vaginal suppository vs. metronidazole 500mg - nystatin 100, 000 IU vaginal suppository in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis, and mixed vaginal infections.

Cagayan Ma. Stephanie Fay S. ; Bravo Sybil Lizanne R. ; Fallarme Analyn F. ; Sison Olive ; Gabaldon May S.

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2015;39(3):14-21

3.Maternal and neonatal outcomes of pregnant women with clinically confirmed COVID-19 admitted at the Philippine General Hospital

Mary Judith Q. Clemente ; Melissa D. Amosco ; Ma. Bernadette R. Octavio ; Sybil Lizanne R. Bravo ; Esterlita Villanueva-Uy

Acta Medica Philippina 2021;55(2):183-190

4.Urogenital health and intimate hygiene practices among Filipino women of all ages: Key issues and insights.

Alessandra Graziottin ; Sybil Lizanne R. Bravo ; Ryan B. Capitulo ; Agnes L. Soriano-Estrella ; Mariles H. Nazal

Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2024;48(3):131-144

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