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Author:( Bradley Ashley G. Ong)

1.Telerehabilitation in a developing country toward the tail end of the COVID-19 pandemic: Is it here to stay?

Carl Froilan D. Leochico ; Gabriel Angelo M. Montemayor ; Arianne Justine T. Obeles ; Bradley Ashley G. Ong

Acta Medica Philippina 2020;54(Rapid Reviews on COVID19):1-3

2.Knowledge, attitudes, and awareness towards newborn screening in association with received prenatal care: A survey of primiparous postpartum mothers at the Philippine General Hospital.

Bradley Ashley G. ONG ; Lorena Margarita B. OSORIO ; Meleeze A. ONGTAUCO ; Gabriel Paulo C. OROSCO ; Dave Albert D. PATRIMONIO ; Alista D. PEREZ ; Switzale M. PIDLAOAN ; Er Joshua B. PILOTIN ; Raphael Angelo E. QUEVEDO ; Patricia Kate F. REGALA ; Jose M. CARNATE

Acta Medica Philippina 2022;56(7):79-85

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