1.Pilot study on metabolic syndrome prevalence among aging male
Bolor-Erdene S, Munkhtsetseg J
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2010;152(2):9-11
INTRODUCTION: Main reasons of metabolic syndrome are obesity and overweighing, which are becoming a global
worldwide problem. Obesity is both a prevalent condition worldwide and a well-known, modifiable risk factor for
various diseases, including diabetes. In a recent review article, waist circumference (WC) and body mass index
(BMI) were reported as established risk factors for diabetes.
GOAL: To define the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Mongolian aging man living in Ulaanbaatar city
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Randomly selected 180 men aged 35-90 years old were involved to this study. All were
informed and written consent was given by each individual. The metabolic syndrome was defined by NCEP
definition: high blood pressure, high waist circumference, higher fasting sugar, triglyceride and HDL-cholesterol.
Anthropometric parameters like waist circumference (WC), weight, height, blood pressure and blood chemical
parameters like glucose, triglyceride (TG), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-Ch) were measured by automatic biochemical
RESULT AND DISCUSSION: Average age of all participants was 56.82±12.55 years and was divided in three age
groups: 35-60 (n=112), 61-74 (n=47), 74-90 (n=17). The characteristics of participants are shown Mongolian men
in 38.8 % (70) of all participants had a metabolic syndrome and in compare to T.Baysgalan’s study, implemented in
2007 was higher. In our opinion it depends on our study participant’s age, because in our study number of elderly
were predominating than mentioned survey. Waist circumference in metabolic syndrome group is higher than in
healthy control group (p<0.05). Triglyceride level does not change with aging, but in our study participants, the TG
level was negatively correlated with aging in metabolic syndrome group (r = -0.307).
HDL-cholesterol is abundantly circulating molecule in human plasma and shows anti-atherogenic effect. In our
participants HDL-Ch decreases with aging (r=-0.174).
CONCLUSION: Our pilot study present that metabolic syndrome prevalence reaches 38.8% of total aged, male
participants, and it is leads to implement and provide an investigation in large range, including urban and rural
areas of the country.
2.In vitro glycosylation of Vitamin C
Byambasuren Dorjsuren ; Bolor Buyanbadrakh ; Jae Kyung Sohng
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2014;167(1):7-9
BACKGROUND: Glycosylation process helps in stabilization and solubilization natural of compounds.
Glycosyltransferase (YjiC) provides for high efficient glycosylation product with an incredible variety
of sugar moieties, typically from UDP-glucose. Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient
for humans and certain other animal species. Vitamin C functions in many biological processes,
such as collagen synthesis, antoxidation, intestinal absorption of iron. UDP-glucose acts as a
starting material for glycosyltransferase (YjiC). In order to recycle UDP-glucose after glycosylation
with glycosyltransferase (YjiC), sucrose synthase (AtSUS1) carry out than reversible conversion of
sucrose and UDP to UDP-glucose and fructose.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: DNA was extracted than E.coli BL 21 and E.coli JM 109 hosts were used
for expression of proteins. The purified protein was then analyzed by 12% SDS-PAGE than used for
enzymatic recycle system. TLC analyse of the products were carried out to the test glycosylation.
RESULTS: In this study, we choose substrate vitamin C for the enhancement of enzymatic recycling
system glycosylation. In this recycle system due to the high concentration of sucrose and vitamin C
but low concentration of UDP-glucose with is relatively expensive made the system more economic.
TLC analyses of the products were carried out to the recycled system worked and glycosylation
CONCLUSION: Based on proved function an enzymatic recycling system with glycosyltransferse (YjiC)
and sucrose synthesis (AtSUS1) to be applicable to enzymatic production of vitamin C glucoside
and resveratrol glucoside. Further analysis by HPLC and MS will elucidate the products.
3.Clarifying some theoretical and practical concepts of pulse feeling method
Munguntuya B ; Bold SH ; Bolor B
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2015;172(2):91-95
IntroductionPossessing thorough pulse feeling skill, the main diagnostic method of traditional medicine, makesa direct impact to treatment results. Unfortunately, there has not been much research done ondetermining the scientific nature of the pulse feeling diagnostic method in Mongolia. Therefore, thetopic was selected in order to clarify some issues of history and theory of the pulse feeling method andto prove the method with practical application.Goal and objectivesThe goal of the research is determining some theoretical issues of traditional medical diagnosticmethod, pulse feeling and proving the effectiveness of the method to determine pregnancy and genderof fetus by practical use. The following objectives are defined:1. Conduct research regarding the theoretical concept of pulse feeling and compare it with thesources in Eastern and Western books, literary works and scriptures;2. Determining pregnancies and feeling the pulses of pregnant women admitted to maternityhospital to identify the gender of fetusMaterials and Мethods50 women admitted to “City Palace of Maternity” hospital and 50 mothers who were hospitalized atpre-natal and post-natal division participated in the study.Used following methods:1. Comparison method2. Pulse feeling method for determining gender of a baby and pregnancyResultsWhen feeling the pulse, the index finger is pressed lightly to feel the skin, the middle finger is pressedwith medium pressure to feel the muscle tissue and the ring finger is pressed hard to feel the boneof the doctor is pressed lightly in order to distinguish the twisted blood flow changes overcoming theresistance of sequential pressure. We also identified that the pulse feeling is based on the natureand connection of the wind and blood and their actions in regard to traditional medicine, whereasby modern medical theory; it is based on functioning factors of vascular muscle layers, pulse rate,pressure to vascular wall and condition of vascular wall as well as thickness and thinness of bloodflow.In addition to the method being effective when detecting pregnancy and gender of fetus of patients atthe maternity hospital, it is definite that it can be basis of identifying the characteristic of pulse of warmand cold diseases.
4. The separation of β-lactoglobulin from cow milk
Bolor B ; Munkhtsetseg J ; Javkhlantugs N
Health Laboratory 2013;2(2):14-16
5.Study the changes in the kidney structure with type 2 diabetic patients
Baigalmaa S ; Galtsog L ; Gelegjamts KH ; Altaisaihan KH ; Bolor-Erdene G
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2011;172(2):56-61
Background: In recent years, kidney complication of diabetes became the basic cause of the end stage of renal disease in many countries around the world and then primary kidney disease goes on the 2-3 places. Due to the fact that diabetes mellitus turns more and more into non-communicable worldwide epidemic, we faced the increase in kidney complication which is one of form of micro vascular complications. So, illness of every 1-2 in three patients to undergo a renal replacement therapy has been diagnosed as diabetic nephropathy and of course nephrologists could not leave this fact without their attention. Goal: To study a change in the kidney structure with type 2 diabetic patients. Materials and Methods: Within the scope of the research 35 autopsied passed way because of the type 2 diabetes in clinical hospitals. According to Tervaert classification of diabetic kidney pathology issued by American Society of Nephrology in 2006, changes in glomerular structure were divided into 4 classes. Ordinary staining methods as hemotoxilin eosin, Van Gizonestaning connective tissue, Periodic Acid- Schiff standing have been used.Results: 35 autopsied in total, including 23 male (65.7%) and 12 female (34.3%) were covered by this research. And glomerular basement membrane thickening discovered in 51.4%, mesangial matrix expansion in 34.2%, Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodule in 20% and advanced glomerulosclerosis in 8.5% of total cases, respectively.Conclusions:1. It is found that diabetic kidney can be classified by Tervaert classification using ordinary standing and PAS reaction on the light microscope.2. However, we faced an essential necessity to be armed with immunofluorescence and electron microscope for the purpose to improve diagnostic examination and establish classes more accurately.3. Today when the medical science develops as evidence-based medicine, a starting the kidney biopsy samples assaying become the vital issue in comparative studying the clinical stage of diabetic kidney pathology.
6. Some aspect of diagnosis and type of clinical management and risk factors of age-related macular degeneration
Ariunzaya A ; Uranchimeg D ; Baasankhuu J
Innovation 2015;9(Ophthalmology):22-26
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of severe visual loss in people aged 50 years or older. It estimates that 25-35 million people lost vision due to AMD in the world. Rapid increase of aging population, 33.2 million people was affected by AMD in 1994and there is estimation the number will reach 80 million by 2050. Prevalence of disease is different in countries it relates due to aging population and the ratio is higher in developed countries. The risk factors of AMD; race, nationality, life style, cigarette smoking, alcoholconsumption, UV exposure, diet, vitamin or food supplements consumption, drugs and high blood pressure. This study was to evaluate risk factors in age related macular degeneration because cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and high blood pressure are high among elder Mongolians. Introduction of Optical Coherent Tomography /OCT/ in ophthalmology enables us to early diagnose and prevention. It will be basic data for developing AMD prevention policy and improving methods of diagnosis and management.
7.Adiponectin level in aging male of Mongolia
Bolor-Erdene S ; Munkhtsetseg J
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2010;152(2):6-8
INTRODUCTION: Adipose tissue exclusively secretes adiponectin, a 244–amino-acid protein that regulates themetabolism of lipids and glucose and circulates quite abundantly in plasma. Adiponectin were still stronglyassociated with an increased diabetes risk in men; but the association for women was no longer statisticallysignificant. Adiponectin decreases insulin resistance and body weight by increasing lipid oxidation in muscleand other organs such as the pancreas and liver.GOAL: To define of adiponectin level in aging man living in Ulaanbaatar city.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Randomly selected 84 men aged 35-90 years old were involved to this study. Veinblood were collected, the serum were separated and were frozen until assayed by immunosorbent assay.Morning baseline adiponectin were determined in the sera. We used ELISA kit from Mesdia company (Korea).RESULT AND DISCUSSION: Average age of all participants was 56.82±12.55 years and was divided in three agegroups: 35-60 (31.1%), 61-74 (10%), 74-90 (5.55%). Levels of adiponectin were inversely associated with BMI(r=-0.103), WC (r=-0.173), and TG (r=0.143) and directly associated with age and HDL-C (r=0.117, p<0.001).All people were divided by NCEP criteria in two groups: metabolic syndrome group and healthy control group.Average adiponectin level in metabolic syndrome group was 4.83±7.10 ug/ml, in healthy group it was 5.71±7.53ug/ml, which shows that adiponectin level is significantly lower in people with metabolic syndrome.CONCLUSION: Adiponectin level was lower in people with metabolic syndrome and it has inverse correlation withwaist circumference.
8.Publication Overview of Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir and Wonder of his Mindset
Oyun-Erdene B ; Bold SH ; Bolor B ; Ankhtsatsral L ; Ankhtuya P
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2014;170(4):68-72
Introduction: It is significant to translate medical texts having a beginning source of Ayurveda and identifyMongolian doctors, maaramba’s works and books on prescription as well as treatment methods that meetour culture, living condition and climate. Especially, we should clarify the new ideas includes innovatedtheories, which became paradigm not only Traditional Mongolian Medicine but also in Tibetan Medicine.Thus, it has become important to introduce and use in the training for students and practitioners the “FourAmbrosia Essences” and “Dictionary of Drug Identification” by Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir (1704-1788).Goal: The aim of this study is to investigate “Four Ambrosia Essences” and “Dictionary of Drug Identificationby Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir and to clarify the new idea of theory and treatment methods created by him.Materials and Method: “Source of Spring” (བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ ཆ་ུ རནུྱྒ ), “White Dew of Spring” (བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ ཟལི ་དཀར), “Drop of Spring”(བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ ཐགི ་པ), “Wedding of Spring” (བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ དགའ་སནོྟ ” by the Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir were the main materials in thisstudy. In addition, we used to take some sort of sources and manuscripts that related to our studies andcomparative historical method, analysis and synthesis method were used in the studies.Results: According to resources we found, Sumbe khamba Ishbaljor detailed a number of new theoreticaland practical concepts which were never or seldom mentioned in The Four Medical Tantras, in his bookRashaany Dusal (“Drop of Spring”). He expanded the list of common diseases from three wind (khii), bile(shar), phlegm (badgan) to 6 (wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid (shar us), nyan or khorkhoi (virus andbacteria) and prescribed treatments for each of them. In addition, he established a concept of 10 importantdiseases and gave them satiric names making them easy to read and understand as well as taught theways to treat them.Ishbaljir developed the traditional medicine and made a reform in it by the discovery of three more causesof diseases blood, bile us and bacteria in addition to the existing causes wind, bile and phlegm. His theorywas that disease causes are wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid, and bacteria or virus individually and\or combined. Wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid, and bacteria or virus called as diseases. Ishbaljir’sconcept of bacteria duplicates that of some Noble Prize laureates. At the beginning of the 20 century, anAustralian scholar Barry J. Marshall and J. Robin Warren won the Noble Prize for their discovery of the“Bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease” in 2005.Conclusions:1. Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir expanded the list of common diseases from 3 wind (khii), bile (shar), phlegm(badgan) to 6 (wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid (shar us), nyan or khorkhoi (virus and bacteria)and prescribed treatments for each of them.2. Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir established a concept of 10 important diseases and gave them satiric namesmaking them easy to read and understand as well as taught the ways to treat them.3. The Four Medical Tantras did not mention stomach bacteria. It is pity that Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljirfound out the stomach bacteria disease in the 18th century.
9. A retrospecti ve anal ysis of inappropriate prescribing pattern
Erdenetuya М ; Enkhjargal D ; Ariunaa D ; Bolor B ; Tugsbileg S.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2013;2(1):9-
Background: The main principles of pharmacotherapy are to provide pharmaceutical care with right medicine, right doses, in right time. If the treatment plan can be evidence based, it will improve treatment efficacy andsafety, can prevent from drug related adverse event and reduce the health care costs. Assessing the drug related problems in elderly patients is a main health care and safety issue for the health care system. Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is one of major cause of mortality and one of the main diseases of morbidity in Mongolia and in the Worldwide.Objective: Aim of this study was to conduct aretrospective study on inappropriate prescribingpattern among elderly patients with Ischemic heart disease who were treated in tertiary level hospitals ofUlaanbaatar.Methods: Total of 438 patient’s records who were treated with diagnosis of IHD during the 2011 –2012, was collected randomly from main three state hospitals of Ulaanbaatar. A retrospective analysis of inappropriate drug prescription was used Beers criteria (2012).Variables of study were patient’s diagnosis, age, sex,names, doses and route of medications.Results: The mean age of the participants was67.38±0.24 and 54.6% of participants were male and 44.4% were female. The trends of rational use of drug and number of drug and drug cost per patients were different in each tertiary level hospitals of Ulaanbaatar. In I state hospital, number and cost of drug per patients werehigher than second and third state hospitals. The result were shown that in all three hospitals, more than 50 percent of total drugs per patients were injection, less than 50 percent of total used drug per patients were from standard therapeutic guideline. The most common inappropriately used drugs were as follows: amiodarone (16% at the I state hospital; 10% at the II state hospital; 3% at the III state hospital),dipyridamole (51% at the I state hospital; 3% at the II state hospital), amitriptyline (29% at the I state hospital; 20% at the III state hospital), nifedipine (33% at the II state hospital).The use of that are inappropriate with certain medicalconditions were common in case of IHD patients with peptic ulcer comorbidity. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug + acetyl salicylic acid combination were used in 3% of patients at the I state hospital, in 4% of patients at the II state hospital and 1% of patients at the III state hospital.Conclusion: Among the medications used for elderly patients with IHD, 15 medications were listed in potentially inappropriate medication in elderly (Beers criteria) independent of diagnosis. In I and II state hospitals, usage of potentially inappropriate medication were greater than III state hospital.Key words: inappropriate drug, Beers criteria,ischemic heart disease, treatment guideline
Bolor B. ; Tugsbileg S. ; Boditsetseg B. ; Enkhjargal D. ; Ulziidulam D.
Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2015;7(2):102-103
Tea is a product which contains of natural antioxidants for relaxation, prevention and healing effects, biofl avonoids, isofl avonoids, organic acids, glycoside and other substances. In order to use this valuable natural commodity economically with keeping the ecologicalbalance and provide quality and safety, nowadays, fi ltered tea bags become popularfor producing. The international standards forinfusion substance portion, antioxidants content, and quality and safety specifi cations for this type of tea are the important measures for preventing of fake products. The sustainable quality study is one of the main parameters, indicating the drug quality, safety and effects. The validity and storageconditions of the drug and its active agents are determined by the study.Aim: To determine the validity /expirationperiod/ of liver protection effect “Tunamal” tea by studying the parameters of its sustainable qualityObjective: To defi ne the expiration time by analyzing annually the moisture, ash, infusion substance, essential oil, appearanceof dry substances, ascorbic acid, content ofthe fl avonoids, mixture of heavy metals and microbiological parametersMaterials and methodologyCommodity of the study, which are the creeping thyme and rosehips fruits, were collected from the territory of Erdene county of Central province and Eruu county of Selenge province respectively; and dried in accordance with the standards. The moisture, ash, infusion substance, essential oil, appearance of dry substance, ascorbic acid, content of all fl avonoids wereanalyzed by methods set by Mongolian national pharmacopoeia, radioactive contamination and presence of heavy metals – by atomic absorption spectrometric method, afl atoxin B1 and pesticide residues – by thin-layer chromatography respectively,; and microbial contamination was analyses in the Steward geological laboratory in the culture medium as well as in the drug inspection laboratory of the State professional inspection authority.