Introduction: This study aimed to formulate an effective Food Multimix-Sprinkle
(FMM-S) by using locally available materials. Methods: Fish (Threadfin bream),
cow liver, and orange fleshed sweet potato (OSP) were cooked and dried by using
applicable household (HH) method and drum drying (DD). Then, the dried materials
were milled and sieved through a 20 mesh screen. Fish, cow liver, and OSP sprinkles
were mixed in various proportions to meet nutrient level targets [at least 30% of
Thai Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for 1-3 years old children per 15 g
serving size]. Results: Six alternative mixes were formulated. The mixture of 3 g
of liver, 7 g of fish, and 5 g of OSP (3:7:5) when processed by HH method, and the
mixture of 4 g of liver, 8 g of fish, and 3 g of OSP (4:8:3) when processed by DD
method, had significant advantage in preference scores in all attributes over the
others. Nutritional values of these formulas were 37-55% RDA of protein, 146-194%
RDA of vitamin A, and 30-40% RDA of iron for a serving size. Conclusion: This
study demonstrated that household preparation, as well as preparation using drum
drying could be used to process raw fish, cow liver, and OSP into a sprinkle mix. The
FMM-S provided appropriate amounts of protein, vitamin A, and iron to supplement
nutrient intake in pre-schoolers. However, a consumer test is needed to ensure
acceptance by the target population.