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MeSH:( Biological Factors)

2.About the compound with biological effect extracted recently from leaves of Clerodendron fragrans

Huong Thanh Hoang

Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;272(12):10-12

3.Study on the effects of traditional medicinal relaxant exercise on some biological indicators in elderly

Hien Thi Le

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):1-8

4.Risk ractors for suicide among adolescents in Bangka Belitung Island, Indonesia: A qualitative study approach

Suherman SKep Ners ; udi Anna Keliat ; Novy Helena Catharina Daulima

Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(Early Access 2024):1-9

5.Study on biological markers of bone turnover of menopausal women in Hanoi city

Kien Trung Nguyen

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;16(3):13-19

6.Pain and Depression: A Neurobiological Perspective of Their Relationship.

Changsu HAN ; Chi Un PAE

Psychiatry Investigation 2015;12(1):1-8

8.Comparing Effectiveness Rituximab (Mabthera®) to Other Second-line Biologics for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in Patients Refractory to or Intolerant of First-line Anti-tumor Necrosis Factor Agent: An Observational Study.

Yong Wook PARK ; Ki Jo KIM ; Hyung In YANG ; Bo Young YOON ; Sang Hyon KIM ; Seong Ho KIM ; Jinseok KIM ; Ji Seon OH ; Wan Uk KIM ; Yeon Ah LEE ; Jung Yoon CHOE ; Min Chan PARK ; Sang Heon LEE

Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2017;24(4):227-235

9.Economic Factors as Major Determinants of Ustekinumab Drug Survival of Patients with Chronic Plaque Psoriasis in Korea.

Chong Won CHOI ; Seungkeol YANG ; Gwanghyun JO ; Bo Ri KIM ; Sang Woong YOUN

Annals of Dermatology 2018;30(6):668-675

10.Biologic agents for asthma treatment.

Sung Ryeol KIM ; Jae Hyun LEE

Allergy, Asthma & Respiratory Disease 2019;7(1):3-12

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