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Author:( Binh -- Tran)

1.Clinical feature of depression among internal patients

Binh Huu Tran

Journal of Medical Research 2007;49(3):109-114

2.Clinical features and treatment of 108 patients with mandibullar fracture in the Institute of Maxillo facio Dentology

Binh Cao Tran

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):43-53

3.Clinical features of depressive disorder in internal disease

Binh Huu Tran

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):8-14

4.Evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice in vaccination against measles of mothers at some communes in Hue city

Binh Dinh Tran

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2000;10(3):56-61

5.Study on acute and subchronic toxicity of cisplatin synthesized in Vietnam on the hemopoietic system

Tran Binh Duyen

Pharmaceutical Journal 2005;0(5):16-19

6.Clinical feature of depressive disorder in internal diaseases

Tran Huu Binh

Journal of Medical Research 2005;36(3):25-32

7.The promise of traditional medicine in prevent and treatment of various tumors

Tran Quoc Binh

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(5):9-12

8.Analysis of HLA - DQA1 alleles of jing nationality in central Vietnamese

Tran Dinh Binh

Journal of Medical Research 2003;24(4):46-50

9.Ganoderma - Grief survey on the research and its use in traditional medicine and conventional modern medicine

Tran Quoc Binh

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2004;0(7):8-13

10.The effects of Wofatox with long term and low dose in regenerative ability of rat’s liver,wich cut 2/3 of liver

Tran Thi Binh

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2004;298(5):29-32

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