1.Clinical feature of depression among internal patients
Journal of Medical Research 2007;49(3):109-114
Background: Depressive disorder is common in clinical practice of psychiatry and internal pathologies. Objectives: To clarify the clinical features of depressive disorder among internal patients to contribute in early detection and timely treatment for the patients. Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 50 patients collected from clinics of cardiology digestion, neurology, rheumatology and respiratory. Results: Depressive disorder was common in the pathology of cardiovascular (32%), gastrointestinal (28%) functions and some pathologies of neurological (16%), musculoskeletal joints (14%) functions. Common age was from 31-40 (54%). The disease tended to prolong for many years: 2-5 years (60%), 6 months-1 year (32%). The disease related to psychological factors in the family (54%), factors in society (30%), physical factors (10%). The symptoms were sleeping disorder (86%), anesthesia (75%), appetite loss (74%), pains (76%), sensitive disorders (64%), changes of blood pressure and pulse (38%), affective reduction (76%) and interest loss (64%). Conclusion: The disease onsets commonly at working age of 21 - 40 (78%) and relate to psychosocial distress. Clinical features are complex and predominate of vegetative and visceral disorders without physical disorders. \r\n', u'\r\n', u'\r\n', u'
Depressive Disorder
2.Clinical features and treatment of 108 patients with mandibullar fracture in the Institute of Maxillo facio Dentology
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):43-53
Observe clinical fractures and management of 108 cases treated of maxcillary fractures at the institutes of Odontostomatology in Hanoi during 2 years (2000-2001), we reported as follow: 1. The main cause of maxillary fractures was traffic accident (92.66%). Of which motorbikes were attributed the highest percentage (64.44%) of total cases. 2. Clinical features: Age also influenced the incidence of maxillary fractures, of which the age group 18-39 toped the rank 75%. The age average 29.52+/- 10.38 years. - Male predominated over female with the ratio of 6/1.- The main object maxillary fractures is farm rice. Regarding the classification of maxillary fractures: complete bilateral maxillary fractures Le Fort II ranked the first with 9.25%. The compounds maxillary fractures with other bones and organs are the highest percentage. 3. Methods: there are 3 ways were applied for maxillary fractures. At the present time often use osteosynthesis with wires and miniplate, fixed stable maxillary follow Miton Adam. 4. The result of treatment: 100% of good results after 1 week. 93.66% of good result after 6 week. 92.21% of good result after 3 months
Mandibular Fractures
Off-Road Motor Vehicles
Fractures, Bone
3.Clinical features of depressive disorder in internal disease
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):8-14
Studying clinical feature of 45 patients offered from depressive disorder on internal diseases, the author concluded as follows. 1/ The occurrence and development of disease are effected by psychological factor(the difficulty and conflict of life). The disease is commonly at age from 21-40 (8.,3%). 2/Clinical symptoms are variable including mental and physical disorders. However depressive features are not typical and it is masked by vegetative and physical symptoms. 3/ In patients with functional disorder, the depression is mild, atypical and it usually combined with anxiety obsession, hypochondria, cenestopathia. In patients with organic symptoms, depression is severe and accompanied by somatic symptom. 4/ Disease develop chronically with a lot of handicaps on health and economy for their family and the community.
Depressive Disorder
4.Evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice in vaccination against measles of mothers at some communes in Hue city
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2000;10(3):56-61
An interviewed survey on 147 mothers who have small children was carried out in some communes in Hue city to evaluate their knowledge, attitude and practice in vaccineation against measles. The results showed that most of the interviewed mothers (> 87%) had good knowledge about the severity of measles infection, the susceptibility of their children with measles virus and transmission of this disease. The mother’s acceptance to vaccineation against measles is good; this implies the efficiency of the vaccination program.
Measles vaccines
5.Study on acute and subchronic toxicity of cisplatin synthesized in Vietnam on the hemopoietic system
Pharmaceutical Journal 2005;0(5):16-19
Experimentation of using Cisplatin produced by Vietnam with dose of LD50=26.00 (23.21-29.12) mg/kg on injection line on peritoneum of white house-mice was monitored for a week, and the 100% mice died. Before the death, the mice often had some kinds of epilepsy. It was proved that this medicine affected on central nervous system. In terms of semi-chronic toxicity, Cisplatin with dose of 0.2mg/kg/24 hours of intravenous injections 5 days per course, with dose of 0.3mg/kg/24 hours of intravenous injection in 5 days, using two courses after 10 days changed some indexes of hematology and microscopic findings of bone marrow. After 15 days to 30 days of discontinuous injection, injuries gradually recovered
6.Clinical feature of depressive disorder in internal diaseases
Journal of Medical Research 2005;36(3):25-32
Studying clinical feature of 63 patients with some internal diseases who suffered depressive disorder. The occurrence and development of internal diseases were affected by psychological factors, such ad difficuties and conflic tin life. The disorder is more common at age from 20 - 40 (71.42%). Clinical symptoms are variety, including mental and physical disorders. However depressive features are not typical and masked by mental and physical symptoms. In patients with functional disorder, the depression is mild, atypical and it usually combine with anxiety (36.5%), obsession (7.93%), hypochondry (14.28%), cenestopathie (11.11%). Diseases developed chronically with a lot of handicap on health and economy for their family and the community.
Depressive Disorder, Psychology
7.The promise of traditional medicine in prevent and treatment of various tumors
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(5):9-12
Summary: Traditional medicine have a certain effect in precancer stage and prevention of progress cancer. Its effective treaments show in: prolong of patient’life with cancer, decrease side effects and increase efficiencies after radioactive and chemical treatment. Traditional medicine directly inhibit and destroy cancer cells, promote immunization capacity, control endocrine function, avoid mutation
Medicine, Traditional
prevention & control
8.Analysis of HLA - DQA1 alleles of jing nationality in central Vietnamese
Journal of Medical Research 2003;24(4):46-50
With the technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction Sequence Specific Primers (PCR-SSP), the diversity of the distribution of allele HLA-DQA1 was investigated on 214 healthy young men and adolescents of 14 and gender ratio 1:1 (male/female). Results showed that 10 alleles HLA-DQA1 were detected, among them, DQA1*0104 is the most common with a frequency of 25.8% and the least common is DQA1*0601 - 1%, all the rest are less than 10%. The diversity of allele HLA-DQA1 in Kinh people in Central Vietnam expressed its ethnical specificity differenciated with other ethmic groups in China and Thailand.
HLA-DQ Antigens
Polymerase Chain Reaction
9.Ganoderma - Grief survey on the research and its use in traditional medicine and conventional modern medicine
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2004;0(7):8-13
Introduce the sources, classifications and chemical elements of Ganoderma. According to traditional medicine Ganoderma supported good vitality and strengthened body. According to modern medicine, Ganoderma had good effects in cardiovascular, nervous, and gastrointestinal system... Hence they were used broad clinically with less side effects and toxicity
Medicine, Traditional
Cardiovascular Diseases
History, Modern 1601-
10.The effects of Wofatox with long term and low dose in regenerative ability of rat’s liver,wich cut 2/3 of liver
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2004;298(5):29-32
30 white rats were administered with low and long term doses of Wofatox oil. Rat’s 2/3 liver was removed by Higgins and Anderson method. Liver parenchyma was degenerated heavily, mitosis index reduced, liver cell recovering delayed and the reproduction of liver cell was weakened