This experimental study was aimed to find the effect of different package and storage conditions on the content of effective components of A stragalus pieces. A stragalus pieces were stored under different storage conditions by using different packaging materials and packaging methods. Every three months, the contents of Calycosin-7-glu-coside and astragaloside were determined according to the 2010 version of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. With the extend-edstorage time, the contents of two effective components were significantly decreased. After six-monthstorage, the contents were not consistent with the standard of the pharmacopoeia standards. Room temperature had relatively big influence on the loss of content. The plastic and aluminum paperpackagingwere better than kraft paper packaging. The content ofastragaloside using non vacuum packaging method was relatively higher than the vacuum packaging. Contentunder the conditions of cool storehouse and nonvacuum plastic bags was higher than other packagingmethod. And the changes of both contents were relatively stable. It was concluded that the A stragaluspieces should be packed with non vacuum plastic bags, and stored in a cool and dry place.