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Author:( Bhat, A.)

1.Taxonomical outlines of bio-diversity of Karnataka in a 14th century Kannada toxicology text Khagendra Mani Darpana

Sathyanarayana BHAT ; Kumaraswamy UDUPA

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2013;(8):668-672

2.Acute promyelocytic leukaemia with a novel translocation t(16;17) (q12;p13): a case report

Hilal Bhat, Sajad Geelani ; Masrat Rashid ; Tariq Bhat ; Mudasir Qadr ; Nusrat Bashir ; Fahim Manzoor ; Shuaeb Bhat ; Fayaaz Rather ; Javid Rasool

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2016;38(3):311-313

3.Phytochemical constituents and antibacterial activity of some green leafy vegetables

Bhat Shafi Ramesa ; Al-Daihan Sooad

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2014;(3):189-193

5.Presence of Additional Head of Pronator Teres Muscle and Associated Neurovascular Variations: A Rare Case Report

Sushma RK ; Srinivasa RS ; Kumar MR Bhat

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):41-44

6.Higher and Bulkier Origin of the Lumbricals and their Clinical Relevance

Sushma RK ; Chandni G ; Bhat KMR

Journal of Surgical Academia 2013;3(1):22-24

7.A Rare Case of Bilateral High Origin of the Testicular Artery with Variations in the Course and Branches

Prasanna LC ; Babu A ; D'Souza AS ; Bhat KMR

Journal of Surgical Academia 2014;4(1):45-48

8.A rare case of gingival cyst of infant occurring in a baby age four months.

Veena KM ; Jagadishchandra H ; Bhat SS ; Rao PK.

Pacific Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;9(1):40-41

9.Superficial Ulnar Artery: A Case Report of its Unusual Course

Lydia Shobha Quadros ; Nandini Bhat ; Antony Sylvan D’Souza

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2015;22(3):65-67

10.Association of hypothyroidism in patients with migraine and tension-type headache disorders in Kashmir, North India

Hamed B Khan ; Parvaiz A Shah ; M Hayat Bhat ; Ali Imran

Neurology Asia 2015;20(3):257-261

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