Objective To analyze the change of swallowing sounds in healthy youth by cervical auscultation (CA). Methods 37 young volunteers swallowed 3 ml and 10 ml water respectively by forced swallowing (FS), normal swallowing (NS) and soft swallowing (SS), the swallowing sounds were collected by CA, and the swallowing sound duration (SSD), average swallowing sound amplitude (ASA) and mean swallowing sound spectral frequency (MSF) were compared among different swallowing ways and water volumes. Results MSF was higher in FS than in NS and SS (P<0.05). All the indexes were significantly higher in 10 ml water than in 3 ml water (P<0.01). Conclusion Healthy swallowing sound recorded by CA can be volitionally controlled by the healthy individual consciousness in swallowing ways and the liquid volumes. SSD, ASA and MSF of the swallowing sound increase with water volume.