1.Result for comparative study of automatic analyzer and vaginal smear test for diagnosis of vaginal secretion
Nomin-Erdene B ; Battogtokh Ch ; Batsuren Ch
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2022;200(2):8-15
Introduction :
Women’s age and reproduction system are always changed from many factors such as communicative and non- communicative diseases, pregnancy and menopause et cetera. Especially, the kinds of vaginal microflora and their proportions are changed too. In the world, the expansion of women’s vaginitis from bacteria was over 29.2% in 2021. For our country, 7486 as 6.9% vaginitis cases occurred within 10,000 people and 3683 as 26.3% cervical inflammation cases occurred by 2019. Vaginitis is asymptomatic for 50-75% of women. Sometimes it is not easy to diagnose vaginitis from bacteria because the fact that it doesn’t create a single type of bacteria. To diagnose vaginitis from bacteria in practice, Amsel’s criteria and Nugent testing methods are mostly used. The methods need much time, doctors’ skills and laboratory devices. It is a disadvantage of these methods. Thus, it needs to find a special method it meets people’s satisfaction, money-saving and more effective.
Comparative research on the traditional and automatic testing methods for vaginal secretion
Materials and Methods:
We included 47 women in menopause age in analytic study design. All test of participants was tested with Nugent score and automatic analyzer. Data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 version interpreted according to frequency distribution and percentage. A chi – square test and risk test was used to determine significant association wherever applicable with a p-value of less than 0.05 regarded as significant. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of Automat analyzer were calculated, and each component of Automat analyzer was compared to the Nugent scoring system.
This study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of “Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences” university.
Evaluating the vaginal discharge from participants in the research by Nugent score, 17% (8/47) of them had bacterial vaginitis, 34% (16/47) was uncertain or they needed to be tested again, 17% (9/47) was normal. But evaluating their test of vaginal discharge by GMD-S600 automatic analyzer, 17% (8/47) had Fungal vaginitis, 57,4% (27/47) had Bacterial vaginitis, 25,5% (12/47) lost their uterus acidic balance. Evaluating the reason of vaginitis with device test by Nugent test, it fits 17%. The test diagnoses it very effective in statistics.
Comparing traditional method to automatic analyzer testing method for vaginal secretion, the automatic analyzer method is more effective to diagnose and it has an advantage of detecting vaginal abnormality. Also, working unhealthy condition, smoking, making wash are the defends of having vaginitis.
2.Result of detection sexually transmitted some viral infections among pregnant women and newborns
Otgonjargal B ; Batbaatar G ; Tsogtsaikhan S ; Klaus P ; Birgit H ; Enkhtsetseg J ; Battogtokh Ch
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2019;187(1):11-16
In Mongolia, diagnostic tests for the detection of the sexually transmitted congenital virus and human papilloma virus are currently not routinely used in clinical settings and the frequency of these STIs is enigmatic.
The prevalence of this virus were prospectively evaluated among 200 Mongolian pregnant women and their newborns and correlated with pregnancy outcome.
Materials and Methods:
Taq Man PCRs were used to detect some virus in pre-birth vaginal swabs of the pregnant women and in
oral swabs of their newborns. A standardized questionnaire concerning former and present pregnancies was developed and regression analysis was used to correlate virus detection with pregnancy outcome.
Cytomegalovirus was the most prevalent of the tested pathogens (46.5% positive women and 10.5%
newborns), human papilloma virus (31.5% and 4.5%) and herpes simplex virus-2 (1% and 0%).
Statistical analysis:
The statistical analysis was conducted using the software program RStudio, version 0.99.896. Multiple
regression analysis was used to assess the association between pathogen loads of mothers or newborns
and the outcome variables (gestational age, neonatal length, weight, head circumferences and bacterial
Multiple regression analyses indicate that colonization of the mothers with cytomegalovirus is associated with transmission to newborns and that transmission is associated with reduced neonatal length and gestational age. Thus, diagnostic tests for their detection should be implemented in the clinical settings in Mongolia.
3.The study of the intestinal microbiota among Mongolian Adults, it related some factors
Saruuljavkhlan B ; Battogtokh Ch ; Enkh-Amar A ; Otgonjargal B ; Otgonbileg J ; Anuujin G ; Gerelmaa E ; Bira N
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2019;188(2):3-11
The intestinal microbiota of Mongolians and its composition is of great interest of researchers, a few studies
have did in this fields. Maybe Mongolian encompass a uniquely wide range of environmental conditions, ethno
geographical cohorts and traditional nomadic lifestyles.
We aimed to determine the amount of gut microbiota, including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in the fecal
samples of relative healthy Mongolian adults residing in various regions of Mongolia by conventional culture
method and PCR.
Material and Methods:
The study was performed population based cross sectional study in healthy volunteers. In this study, 256
relative healthy Mongolian adults with no history of gastrointestinal associated diseases were enrolled
between July 2018 and April 2019. Each participants was asked to complete a questionnaire containing 164
questions about demographics, physical activity, dietary habits. Fecal samples were collected for Lactobacillus
and Bifidobacterium analysis using culture method and determination of genus of Bifidobacterium sрp and
Lactobacillus spp by PCR.
ResultsParticipants had a mean age of 38.9±12.8 years. The mean values of Lactobacillus
by culture method were 5.9±1.28 and 6.24±0.94 log10 CFU/ml (4.67х106
, 4.66х106 CFU/ml), respectively. The
abundance of Lactobacillus had a positive correlation with grams for fiber and amount of bifidobacterium ((r=
0.495, р<0.001, r=0.288, p<0.05), respectively). Significant difference were observed between groups of milk
frequency per day for amounts of lactobacillus. In adult intestinal tracts, B.Bifidum was the most common taxon
31 (29%) followed by B. angulatum 14 (13.1%), B. adolescentis 10 (9.3%), B. catenulatum group 10 (9.3%), B.
longum 9 (8.4%). B. lactis, B. breve, B. dentium and B. gallicum were subdominant species.
The mean amount of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus of all participants were 6.24±0.94 and 5.9±1.28 log10
CFU/ml (4.66*106
, 4.67*106
CFU/ml) respectively. The Lactobacillus abundance of healthy adults was higher in
region of Khangai, East and West of Mongolian than other regions. The composition of lactobacillus altered with
ageing. Significant correlations were found between fiber, fats, potato and amount of Lactobacillus.
Keywords: Bifidobacterium, Colony forming unit, Gut microbiota, Lactobacillus