Many forms of management of the Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement (PVFM)
disorder have been presented in past literature, but it is vital to recognize the
complexity of the disorder and the necessity for proper diagnosis to allow for
appropriate management. A review of the literature suggests that this disorder
predominantly occurs in the young female, and presents with a history of
associated medical conditions. A single case study of an unusual presentation
of PVFM in a young eleven year old boy with PVFM is discussed in this paper.
The PVFM was observed and diagnosed by the Otorhinolaryngologist at the
University Malaya Medical Center (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur. Nasendoscopy
revealed otherwise normal vocal fold movement in quiet breathing and during an episodic attack. The young boy was subsequently referred for speech therapy;
management of the PVFM was solely with speech rehabilitation. The management
of the disorder in this young boy is discussed up to the time of discharge from