sensitivity and specificity of nerve root sedimentation sign(NRS) in our populations. The NRS is a radiological sign todiagnose lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). It is claimed to bereliable with high sensitivity and specificity. MaterialsandMethods:A total of 82 MRI images from 43patients in Group A (LSS) and 39 patients in Group B (nonLSS) were analysed and compared for the presence of theNRS sign. Two assessors were used to evaluate intra andinter-assessor reliability of this sign based on 56 (33 patients,Group A and 23 patients, Group B). The findings werestatistically analysed using SPSS software. Results:There was a significant association between spinalclaudication and leg numbness with LSS (p<0.001 andKappa=0.857, p<0.001). The inter-assessor reliability wasalso good (Kappa of 0.786, p<0.001).Conclusion:The NRS sign has high sensitivity andspecificity for diagnosing LSS. The sign also has good intraand inter-assessor reliability.