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Author:( Aziz S)

1.Orbital compartment syndrome in idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease: A case report

Kiew Ing Tiong ; Aziz S ; Hazlita Isa

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2015;70(5):316-317

2.The importance of ophthalmic signs in the diagnosis of suprasellar meningioma- a case report

AK Tan ; PS Mallika ; S Aziz ; T Asok ; G Intan

Malaysian Family Physician 2009;4(1):26-29

3.Ethambutol ocular toxicity in a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis - A case report

AK Tan ; PS Mallika ; S Aziz ; T Asok ; G Intan

Malaysian Family Physician 2008;3(2):87-90

4.Prospective Study of Functional Recovery of Stroke Patients at Three Months Post Admission: Outcomes and Implications for Post Stroke Care Provision

Ali MF ; Aziz NA ; Aznida FAA ; Rizal AM ; Azmin S

Medicine and Health 2013;8(1):19-27

5.Recovery of Schistosoma haematobium ovum from Labeo rohita: first report from Pakistan

Ayaz, M.M., Nazir, M.M., Lashari, M.H., Akhtar, S., Khosa, M.A., Aziz, M., Zahid, H., Ali, S.

Tropical Biomedicine 2015;32(3):399-401

6.Clinical Correlates of Erectile Dysfunction among Male Patients on Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) in Kuala Lumpur

NJ Nik Ruzyanei ; M Noormazita ; B Azlin ; I Normala ; Z Hazli ; S Abdul Aziz ; S Hatta

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2012;8(1):27-35

7.Structured Periodic Rehabilitation Intervention Sessions To Stroke Patients. A Longitudinal Review

Aziz NA ; Nashrah H ; Fadilah AZ ; Ali MF ; Zawawi S ; Katijah A

Medicine and Health 2011;6(2):114-122


AK Tan ; PS Mallika ; T Asokumaran ; S Mohamad Aziz ; G Intan

Malaysian Family Physician 2011;6(2&3):68-71

9.Diabetic Retinopathy and the effect of pregnancy

PS Mallika ; AK Tan ; S Aziz ; T Asok ; SAR Syed Alwi ; G Intan

Malaysian Family Physician 2010;5(1):2-5

10.Comparison between the panoptic opthalmoscape and the conventional direct opthalmoscape in the detection of sight threatening diabetic retinopathy: the Kuching diabetic eye study

AK Tan ; PS Mallika ; S Aziz ; T Asokumaran ; G Intan ; HA Faridah

Malaysian Family Physician 2010;5(2):83-90

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