1.Validation Of A New Questionnaire Assessing The Health Impact Of Divorce On Women: An Exploratory Factor Analysis
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2016;16(2):64-71
The aim of this study was to develop a new validated questionnaire to assess the health impact of divorce on women. A cross sectional study was undertaken in a district in Terengganu, using a newly developed self-administered Malay language questionnaire comprising of six domains and 82 items. The questionnaire was constructed based on the literature review and discussions with experts. Exploratory factor analysis was applied in construct validity and internal consistency was used for reliability analysis. A total of 51 respondents were involved in this study. All the consented divorcees were Malays. The mean (SD) age for the divorced women was 35.8 (10.00). Majority (82.4%) of them had secondary education. All the final three domains demonstrated Keiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) of more than 0.6, significant Bartlett’s test of Sphericity and Cronbach’s alpha of more than 0.80. The overall Cronbach’s alpha was excellent (0.920). The final questionnaire consisted of two domains. Factor loading for all items in each subdomains were satisfactory. The final functional somatic symptoms domain consisted of 6 subdomains and 19 items with factor loading from 0.402 to 0.914. For emotional instability domain, the final items were 13 items with factor loading from 0.548 to 0.878. The questionnaire was valid and reliable to be used for functional somatic symptoms and emotional instability domains. It is useful to assess the health impact and related intervention of divorced women. A confirmatory factor analysis may further confirm the final model.
2.Managing Further Rehabilitation in Longer-Term Stroke Patients in the Community: A New Approach.
Medicine and Health 2008;3(1):1-6
Stroke is becoming a major public health issue in our country due to the fact that there is
an increasing life span of our population. Due to advancement of acute management of
stroke, three out of four people will survive beyond the acute phase of stroke. Stroke care
providers are still debating regarding the exact period of the terminology ‘longer-term
stroke’; however many agreed that long-term of stroke refers to the period of one year and
thereafter as this period is the determinant for longer-term survival. Management beyond
the first year of stroke is complex, encompasses all aspects of patient’s life; physical,
psychological and integration into community. Rehabilitation being the cornerstone of
longer-term stroke management should now focused on more evidence-based approach
as to be effective and relevant to the stroke patients.
3.A practical modelfor endodontic radiographic teaching.
Annals of Dentistry 2008;15(2):67-70
Aim: To manufacture a clinical simulation apparatus
for the undergraduates' endodontic radiography
• To provide a model for teaching of parallax
method using Kelly's forcep
• To provide a model for undergraduates to
practice radiographic localization employing
parallax method.
• To allow students to practice taking
radiographs in a way that simulates the
clinical situations with a good diagnostic
Methods: Impressions of a dentate arch
(maxillary and mandibullary) were used to form a
stone cast. A section of the cast, in the area where
the natural teeth were to be placed, is sectioned and
removed. Three maxillary extracted teeth (canine,
first and second premolar) were selected and
mounted with acrylic resin at the sectioned area. The
resin was cured in a light box. The arches were
mounted in a phantom head with a placement of
rubber cheek. The first premolar was isolated with
rubber dam. The intraoral holder (Kelly's forcep)
was attached to a robotic arm. The students were
taught the correct angulations of the x-ray cone for
the paralleling technique and parallax method using
Kelly's forcep during root canal treatment.
Results: All students managed to complete the
exercise and were considered competent when they
produced acceptable quality of radiographs.
Conclusion: The model described was improvised
from a model that has been used during the past 2
years for undergraduates' endodontic courses. It has
been well accepted as it simulates the clinical
situation more closely than was possible previously.
4.Noise exposure Among Maintenance Crews Of C130H Air-Craft Lead To The Hearing Impairment
Aziizur Rahman Abdul Aziz ; Saardin Abd Aziz ; Mohamad Zaki Hassan
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017;Special Volume(1):89-94
The objective
of the research are
noise sources
noise level
inside C130H aircraft
produce nois
e mapp
to identify hearing status of C
130H aircraft
maintenance crews
and suggesting the noise
control measure that can be applied.
A field
survey on noise level by using
digital s
level m
and producin
g noise
earing test
carried out in
Institute of Aviation Me
Royal Malaysian Air
Force (
Reviewing the literature and
nalyzing some control measure
to be taken.
Hearing test result
shown 41.2% of the MC
are having hearing impairment. The highest
noise level
at the central of the hanga
r is 92.2 dB
time) and 94.2 dBA (night
time) when there is a C130H aircraft starting its engine
50 meter
from the centr
al of the
r, 95.3 dBA (day
time) and 97.3 dBA (night
time) when there is a C130H a
ircraft Engine Ground Run
at 150 meter
om the centra
of the hanga
r. Besides,
Auxiliary Power Unit
is producing the highest nois
e level which is 125.7 dBA
time) and 127.7 dBA (night
The application of Personal Protective Equipment
is the very likely control
measure to be taken while engin
eering control is ve
ry costly but
can be considered.
recognized as
hearing protection as
will not be the ultimate solution as a control measure. Hence, the Engineering Control must be
identified and studied to be implemented
as an ultimate solution
control the noise hazard in long term duration.
5.Noise Exposure Among Maintenance Crews Of C130h Aircraft Lead To The Hearing Impairment
Aziizur Rahman Abdul Aziz ; Saardin Abd Aziz ; Mohamad Zaki Hassan
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017;2017(Special Volume (1)):89-94
The objectives of the research are to identify the noise sources and noise level exposure inside C130H aircraft’s hangar; to produce noise mapping; to identify hearing status of C130H aircraft maintenance crews (MC); and suggesting the noise control measure that can be applied. A field survey on noise level by using a digital sound level meter and producing noise mapping. A hearing testing among 63 MC was carried out in Institute of Aviation Medicine, Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF). Reviewing the literature and analyzing some control measures to be taken. Hearing test result shown 41.2% of the MC are having hearing impairment. The highest noise level at the central of the hangar is 92.2 dBA (day-time) and 94.2 dBA (night-time) when there is a C130H aircraft starting its engine at 50 meters from the central of the hangar, 95.3 dBA (day-time) and 97.3 dBA (night-time) when there is a C130H aircraft Engine Ground Run at 150 meters from the central of the hangar. Besides, Auxiliary Power Unit is producing the highest noise level which is 125.7 dBA (day-time) and 127.7 dBA (night-time). The application of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the very likely control measure to be taken while engineering control is very costly but can be considered. Since noise is recognized as a hazard, hearing protection as PPE will not be the ultimate solution as a control measure. Hence, the Engineering Control must be identified and studied to be implemented as an ultimate solution to control the noise hazard in long term duration.
C130H aircraft
maintenance crew
noise exposure
6.Prevalence of Syphilis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus in expatriates in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Eihab A. Abdel Aziz ; Mousa AlAzzawi
Tropical Biomedicine 2016;33(4):613-618
Data on the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases in the United Arab Emirates
(UAE) is lacking and scarce. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of both
Treponema pallidum (causative agent of syphilis) and HIV infections among expatriates in
Sharjah, UAE. The study group (N = 20,670) included expatriate workers of both sexes
undergoing mandatory pre-employment testing between May and June 2014. Detection of
specific antibodies to Treponema pallidum and HIV antigens and antibodies was conducted
using commercially available kits. Of the 20,670 samples screened for syphilis, one hundred
and five (0.51%) tested positive. Expatriates from India (30.5%), Pakistan (25.7%), and
Bangladesh (15.2%) showed the highest infection rate with T. pallidum. Moreover, three age
groups were most affected with syphilis and a significant correlation was noted between age
and T. pallidum infections (x2 = 76.23; p = 0.001). Furthermore, an association was also
observed between gender and infection with T. pallidum (x2 = 3.37; p = 0.04). Of the 20,670
samples screened for HIV, three samples (0.014%) tested positive for HIV antibodies and
antigen. The results were consequently confirmed by western blot assay. The prevalence of
infection with T. pallidum and HIV was determined for the first time among expatriates in
Sharjah providing policymakers with data which could be used to develop appropriate
prevention and control strategies.
7.Air in the kidney: between emphysematous pyelitis and pyelonephritis
Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2008;4(4):1-4
Presence of air in the kidney can be problematic as the location of the air in different parts of the kidney greatly affects the subsequent management and outcome of the patient. We present here a case of a patient who had
emphysematous pyelitis, in which CT scan was able to display presence of air only in the collecting system, thus
differentiating this condition from the more fulminant emphysematous pyelonephritis. This leads to a more favourable prognosis and outcome to the patient.
8.Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging of Injuries from Blunt Abdominal Trauma: A Pictorial Essay
Radhiana Hassan ; Azian Abd. Aziz
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2010;17(2):29-39
Blunt abdominal trauma can cause multiple internal injuries. However, these injuries are
often difficult to accurately evaluate, particularly in the presence of more obvious external injuries.
Computed tomography (CT) imaging is currently used to assess clinically stable patients with
blunt abdominal trauma. CT can provide a rapid and accurate appraisal of the abdominal viscera,
retroperitoneum and abdominal wall, as well as a limited assessment of the lower thoracic region
and bony pelvis. This paper presents examples of various injuries in trauma patients depicted in
abdominal CT images. We hope these images provide a resource for radiologists, surgeons and
medical officers, as well as a learning tool for medical students.
9.Posterior Restoration Selection Among General Dental Practices in Malaysia: A Preliminary Study
The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2019;18(2):53-58
Introduction: Tooth restoration is a common, routine procedure among dentists but still has its own
difficulties especially for posterior teeth. As it is a straightforward procedure, some dentists are not aware of
the difficulties that may contribute in reducing the longevity of the filling. The aim of the study is to
determine the difficulties encountered during and after placement of restorative materials in deep cavities.
Materials and methods: Standardized questionnaires were divided randomly among general private
dental practitioners in Kuala Lumpur. Chi-square test was used to determine any significant factors
associated with difficulties of material placement. Results: This study showed that the most frequent
difficulties encountered among practitioners were to obtain good moisture control (39.0%). No significant
association was found between obtaining good moisture control and year of clinical experience (p= 0.286)
and also place of graduation with the manipulation of the materials (p= 0.542). Conclusion: Dental
practitioners claimed that it was difficult to obtain good moisture control in placement of posterior
restoration. Thus, it is an obligation of dental practitioners to practice proper isolation and good
manipulation of materials on posterior restoration.
10.Species distribution and antifungal susceptibility patterns of Candida species: Is low susceptibility to itraconazole a trend in Malaysia?
Santhanam, Jacinta ; Nazmiah, Nazmiah ; Aziz, Muhammad Nazri
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2013;68(4):343-7
Resistance to antifungal agents has increased in Candida spp., especially in non-albicans species. Recent findings reported a strikingly low susceptibility in Candida spp. towards itraconazole in Malaysia. In this study, a colorimetric broth dilution method was utilized to determine the susceptibility of Candida spp. isolated in Kuala Lumpur Hospital within a six month period. A total of 82 isolates from blood, peritoneal and other fluids were tested against 8 antifungal agents using the Sensititre Yeast One method. These comprised of 32 (39%) C. albicans, 17 (20.7%) C. glabrata, 15 (18.3%) C. tropicalis, 13 (15.9%) C. parapsilosis, two (2.4%) C. sake and 1 (1.2%) each of C. pelliculosa, C. rugosa and Pichia etchellsii/carsonii. Overall, susceptibility of all isolates to caspofungin was 98.8%, amphotericin B, 97.6%; 5-flucytosine, 97.6%; voriconazole, 97.6%; posaconazole, 87.8%; fluconazole, 82.9%; ketoconazole, 79.3%; and itraconazole, 56.1%. A total of 18 Candida spp. isolates (22 %) were resistant to at least one antifungal agent tested, and half of these were resistant to three or more antifungal agents. C. glabrata was the most frequently identified resistant species (10 isolates), followed by C. tropicalis (4 isolates), C. parapsilosis (3 isolates) and C. albicans (1 isolate). Resistance was highest against ketoconazole (20.9%), followed by itraconazole (13.4%). However, 30.5% of isolates were susceptible-dose dependent towards itraconazole. Long-term usage of itraconazole in Malaysia and a predominance of nonalbicans species may account for the results observed in this study. In conclusion, susceptibility to antifungal drugs is species-dependent among Candida spp.; reduced susceptibility to itraconazole is concomitant with the high number of non-albicans Candida species isolated in Malaysia.