1.Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging of Injuries from Blunt Abdominal Trauma: A Pictorial Essay
Radhiana Hassan ; Azian Abd. Aziz
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2010;17(2):29-39
Blunt abdominal trauma can cause multiple internal injuries. However, these injuries are
often difficult to accurately evaluate, particularly in the presence of more obvious external injuries.
Computed tomography (CT) imaging is currently used to assess clinically stable patients with
blunt abdominal trauma. CT can provide a rapid and accurate appraisal of the abdominal viscera,
retroperitoneum and abdominal wall, as well as a limited assessment of the lower thoracic region
and bony pelvis. This paper presents examples of various injuries in trauma patients depicted in
abdominal CT images. We hope these images provide a resource for radiologists, surgeons and
medical officers, as well as a learning tool for medical students.
2.Calcification of the Alar Ligament Mimics Fracture of the Craniovertebral Junction (CVJ): An Incidental Finding from Computerised Tomography of the Cervical Spine Following Trauma
Siti Kamariah Che Mohamed ; Azian Abd. Aziz
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2009;16(4):69-72
When performing a radiological assessment for a trauma case with associated head injury,
a fragment of dense tissue detected near the craniovertebral junction would rapidly be assessed as
a fractured bone fragment. However, if further imaging and evaluation of the cervical spine with
computerised tomography (CT) did not demonstrate an obvious fracture, then the possibility of
ligament calcification would be considered. We present a case involving a previously healthy 44-yearold
man who was admitted following a severe head injury from a road traffic accident. CT scans of
the head showed multiple intracranial haemorrhages, while scans of the cervical spine revealed a
small, well-defined, ovoid calcification in the right alar ligament. This was initially thought to be a
fracture fragment. Although such calcification is uncommon, accident and emergency physicians and
radiologists may find this useful as a differential diagnosis in patients presenting with neck pain or
traumatic head injury.
3.Retrocaval Ureter: The Importance of Intravenous Urography
Radhiana Hassan ; Azian Abd Aziz ; Siti Kamariah Che Mohamed
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;18(4):84-87
Retrocaval ureter is a rare cause of hydronephrosis. Its rarity and non-specific presentation pose a challenge to surgeons and radiologists in making the correct diagnosis. Differentiation from other causes of urinary tract obstruction, especially the more common urolithiasis, is important for successful surgical management. Current practice has seen multislice computed tomography (MSCT) rapidly replaces intravenous urography (IVU) in the assessment of patients with hydronephrosis due to suspected urolithiasis, especially ureterolithiasis. However, MSCT, without adequate opacification of the entire ureter, may allow the physician to overlook a retrocaval ureter as the cause of hydronephrosis. High-resolution IVU images can demonstrate the typical appearance that leads to the accurate diagnosis of a retrocaval ureter. We reported a case that illustrates this scenario and highlights the importance of IVU in the assessment of a complex congenital disorder involving the urinary tract.
4.Two Cases of Congenital Vallecular Cyst: A Reminder of the Potentially Fatal Cause of Upper Airway Obstruction in Infants
Azian Abd. Aziz ; Ahmad Fadzil Abdullah ; Raja Ahmad RL Ahmad
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2010;17(3):68-73
Vallecular cyst, a benign yet rare laryngeal lesion, may cause stridor and even life-threatening
upper airway obstruction in infants. It can cause apnoea and poor feeding habits, thus reducing the
chance of survival. Although laryngomalacia remains the most common cause of stridor in this age
group, awareness and a high level of suspicion for this condition can help lead to early management
and intervention. Direct laryngoscopy is accepted as the gold standard for diagnostic purposes, and
marsupialisation of the cyst is the preferred treatment. We describe 2 cases of vallecular cysts in
infants admitted to our hospital where timely diagnoses led to appropriate treatment.
5.Computed Tomography (CT) of Bowel and Mesenteric Injury in Blunt Abdominal Trauma: A Pictorial Essay
Radhiana Hassan ; Azian Abd Aziz ; Siti Kamariah Che Mohamed
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2012;67(4):445-452
Computed tomography (CT) is currently the diagnostic
modality of choice in the evaluation of clinically stable
patients with blunt abdominal trauma, including the
assessment of blunt bowel and mesenteric injuries. CT
signs of bowel and/or mesenteric injuries are bowel wall
defect, free air, oral contrast material extravasation,
extravasation of contrast material from mesenteric vessels,
mesenteric vascular beading, abrupt termination of
mesenteric vessels, focal bowel wall thickening, mesenteric
fat stranding, mesenteric haematoma and intraperitoneal or
retroperitoneal fluid. This pictorial essay illustrates CT
features of bowel and/or mesenteric injuries in patients with blunt abdominal trauma. Pitfalls in interpretation of images are emphasized in proven cases.
6.Computed Tomography of Blunt Spleen Injury: A Pictorial Review
Radhiana Hassan ; Azian Abd Aziz ; Ahmad Razali Md Ralib ; Azlin Saat
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;18(1):60-67
The spleen is one of the organs most frequently injured in blunt abdominal trauma. Computed
tomography (CT) scanning can accurately detect splenic injury and is currently the imaging modality
of choice in assessing clinically stable patients with blunt abdominal trauma. The CT features of
spleen injury include lacerations, subcapsular or parenchymal haematomas, active haemorrhage,
and vascular injuries. We present a pictorial review of the spectrum of CT findings for blunt splenic
injuries. This article will be a useful reference for radiologists and surgeons as CT scan is widely
used for the assessment of splenic injuries and contributes to the current trend towards nonsurgical
management of this injury.
7.The Role of Multislice Computed Tomography (MSCT) in the Detection of Blunt Traumatic Intra Abdominal Injury: Our Experience in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA),Kuantan, Pahang
Radhiana Hassan ; Azian Abd Aziz ; Mubarak Mohd Yusof ; Azlin Saat ; Mohd Amran Abdul Rashid ; Jamalludin A R
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2012;67(3):316-322
Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) is the imaging
modality of choice in assessing clinically stable patients with blunt abdominal trauma. This study assessed the role of MSCT in the detection of intra abdominal injury caused by blunt trauma in our centre within a two-year-period (2008-2009). A total of 151 patients had MSCT abdomen for blunt abdominal trauma within this study period. Positive scan were seen in 126 patients (83.4%). Out of these positive scans, liver, spleen and renal injuries were seen in 42.1% (n=53), 34.9% (n=44) and 30.0% (n=34) of cases respectively.
Laparotomies were performed in 45 patients. Out of these 45
laparotomies, 10 patients had surgically significant injuries that were missed on CT scan findings. The injuries were bowel perforation (n=4), serosal tear of bowel (n=1), mesenteric injuries with active haemorrhage (n=3), spleen injury (n=1) and liver injury (n=1).
8.A Rare Case of Monostotic Spinal Fibrous Dysplasia Mimicking Solitary Metastatic Lesion of Thyroid Carcinoma
Mohd Ariff Sharifudin ; Zamzuri Zakaria ; Mohamed Saufi Awang ; Mohamed Azril Mohamed Amin ; Azian Abd Aziz
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2016;23(1):82-86
Monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the vertebra is a rare entity. A case of a 53-year-old lady who presented with an 8 months history of pain in the thoracic spine region with paraparesis is discussed. She had a history of papillary thyroid carcinoma and had undergone total thyroidectomy one year prior to her current problem. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed isolated osteolytic lesion over the posterior element of the T12 vertebra with narrowing of the spinal canal causing compression of the cord. The diagnosis of fibrous dysplasia was made histologically. Fibrous dysplasia rarely occurs in axial bones compared with peripheral bones. This case illustrates that osteolytic lesion of the vertebrae should be evaluated with detailed radiological and histopathological examination before an empirical diagnosis of spinal metastasis is made in an adult with a background history of primary malignancy well-known to spread to the bone.
Fibrous Dysplasia, Monostotic
9.A Scoping Review on Salt Reduction Intervention
Lalitha Palaniveloo ; Fatimah Othman ; Ruhaya Salleh ; Azli Baharudin ; Cheong Siew Man ; Mohamad Hasnan Ahmad ; Nur Shahida Abd Aziz ; Syafinaz Sallehudin ; Nor Azian Mohd Zaki ; Suhaila Abdul Ghaffar
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2021;17(No.4):341-349
Excessive salt intake has been linked to the development of hypertension and non-communicable diseases. This
study aims to explore the different types of salt reduction intervention implemented among adults aged ≥18 years
and to identify the suitable settings, duration and tools used for effective salt reduction interventions. This review
adapted the established structured scoping review framework by Arksey and O’Malley. Related articles from the
year 2008 to 2018 were retrieved based on the study objectives using keywords in electronic databases and through
a bibliographic search of books, reports, conference proceedings, posters and summaries. Out of 130 potentially
relevant full-text articles assessed, 14 articles were included in the review. Suitable salt reduction initiatives for the
community who regularly consume home-cooked food are through cooking and usage of a tool such as a salt-restriction spoon, together with awareness on the benefits of salt reduction in their daily diet. Healthy catering initiative
should be implemented in the workplace or institution-based settings. Policy development targeting the source of
salts such as mandatory usage of salt-substitutes or Front-of-Pack labelling of salt content in all food products suitable
for population-level intervention.