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Author:( Athari M)

1.Posterior First and Second Cervical Vertebrae Fusion by Screw Fixation Technique using the Modern Pre-fabricated Template Method on Cadaver Samples

Athari M ; Golbakhsh MR ; Mirbolook A ; Athari M ; Ahmadi A ; Komlakh K ; Azarhomayoun A ; Paydarniya P

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2021;15(No.3):58-64

2.Clubfoot Deformity Treatment with Ilizarov Apparatus in the Paediatric Population without Corrective Osteotomies and Soft Tissue Release: A Cross-Sectional Study

Aslani HS ; Athari MB ; Tavakoli-Darestani R ; Pourmojarab A ; Baroutkoub M ; Zamani M

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2023;17(No.3):42-47

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