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Author:( Appuhamy Ranil)

1.Hepatitis E in a food handler – a rapid risk assessment to guide the public health response

Appuhamy Ranil ; Moffatt Cameron ; Davis Stephanie ; Kelly Paul ; Kennedy Karina

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2014;5(4):1-4

2.Surveillance of hospitalizations with pandemic A(H1N1) 2009 influenza infection in Queensland, Australia

Hai Phung ; Frank Beard ; Christine Selvey ; Ranil Appuhamy ; Frances Birella

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2011;2(2):30-35

3.An assessment of risk posed by a Campylobacter-positive puppy living in an Australian residential aged-care facility

Moffatt Cameron ; Appuhamy Ranil ; Andrew Will ; Wynn Sandy ; Roberts Jan ; Kennedy Karina

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2014;5(3):1-6

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