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Author:( Anuar-Ramdhan IM)

1.Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis with Conventional Compression Plate for Diaphyseal Tibia Fracture

IM Anuar-Ramdhan ; IM Azahari

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2014;8(3):33-36

2.Knowledge and Practice of Diabetic Foot Care in an In-Patient Setting at a Tertiary Medical Center

AR Muhammad-Lutfi ; MR Zaraihah ; IM Anuar-Ramdhan

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2014;8(3):22-26

3.Comparative Study Between Coaptive Film Versus Suture For Wound Closure After Long Bone Fracture Fixation

IM Anuar Ramdhan ; W Zulmi ; AN Hidayah ; MJM Kamel ; MSM Fadhil ; ; M Anwar Hau

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2013;7(1):52-55

4.Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS) of the Knee mimicking Septic Arthritis in a Paediatric Patient: A Case Report

Indra F ; Anuar-Ramdhan IM ; Vick-Duin E ; Awang-Ojep DN

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2021;15(No.3):122-126

5.Cubitus Valgus with Tardy Ulnar Nerve Palsy - Is Anterior Transposition of the Ulnar Nerve Necessary?: A Case Report

Anuar-Ramdhan IM, MMed Ortho ; Remli R, MMed ; Abdul-Rashid AH, MS Ortho ; Ibrahim S, FRCS

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2020;14(No.2):48-51

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