3.Investigation on the conA binding properties of Klebsiella pneumoniae
Tropical Biomedicine 2014;31(4):802-812
Klebsiella pneumoniae is a healthcare-associated bacterial pathogen which causes
severe diseases in immunocompromised individuals. Concanavalin A (conA), a lectin which
recognizes proteins with mannose or glucose residues, has been reported to agglutinate K.
pneumoniae and hence, is postulated to have therapeutical potential for K. pneumoniaeinduced
liver infection. This study investigated the conA binding properties of a large collection
of clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae. ConA agglutination reaction was demonstrated by 94
(51.4%) of 183 K. pneumoniae isolates using a microtiter plate assay. The conA agglutination
reactions were inhibited in the presence of 2.5 mg/ml D-mannose and 2.5 mg/ml glucose, and
following pretreatment of the bacterial suspension with protease and heating at 80ºC. Majority
of the positive isolates originated from respiratory specimens. Isolation of conA-binding
proteins from K. pneumoniae ATCC 700603 strain was performed using conA affinity column
and the conA binding property of the eluted proteins was confirmed by western blotting
analysis using conA-HRP conjugates. Proteins with molecular weights ranging from 35 to 60
kDa were eluted from the conA affinity column, of which four were identified as outer
membrane protein precursor A (37 kDa), outer membrane protein precursor C (40 kDa),
enolase (45 kDa) and chaperonin (60 kDa) using mass spectrometry analysis. Several conA
binding proteins (including 45 and 60 kDa) were found to be immunogenic when reacted with
rabbit anti-Klebsiella antibody. The function and interplay of the conA binding proteins in
bacterium-host cell relationship merits further investigation.
5.Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis with Conventional Compression Plate for Diaphyseal Tibia Fracture
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2014;8(3):33-36
The diaphyseal tibia fracture is best treated with
intramedullary nail but in some cases where the nail is not
applicable, plate fixation will be the next option of fixation.
The extensile anterior approach is normally used for
conventional compression plate fixation in tibia shaft
fractures. The extensive surgical dissection may devitalizes
the bony fragments and interfere with the fracture union as
well as soft tissue healing. Minimally Invasive Plate
Osteosynthesis (MIPO) provides good preservation of blood
supply and fracture hematoma at the fracture site thus
promotes biological bone healing. The use of indirect
reduction techniques and small skin incisions to introduce
the plate is technically demanding and requires fluoroscopy
exposures throughout the surgery, being some of its
drawbacks. We recommend MIPO for conventional
compression plate fixation in tibial shaft fractures in view of
the reduced surgical trauma to the surrounding soft tissue
and good functional outcome.
Surgical Fixation Devices
Tibial Fractures
6.Relationship Among Depression, Self-efficacy, and Quality of Life Amoong Students in Medical and Allied Health Sciences.
Firdaus Mukhtar ; Hairul Anuar Hashim
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2010;6(2):51-58
Introduction: This study examined a cognitive model of depression among undergraduate students of medical and allied health sciences. Methods: Participants (N=279) completed a series of questionnaires related to depression (Beck Depression Inventory-Malay), negative cognitions (Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Malay), dysfunctional attitude (Dysfunctional Attitude Scale-Malay), stressful life events (Life Events Survey), self-efficacy (General Self-Efficacy) and quality of life (WHO Quality of Life-BREF). Results: Results of descriptive analysis revealed a higher percentage of severe depression among males when compared to female students. Results of structural equation modeling indicated an adequate fit of the model (X²=21.29, df=15, p>13; GFI=0.97; CFI=0.97; RMSEA=0.4). Conclusion: The findings also indicated the potential roles of self-efficacy in mediating depression. The results are discussed in terms of self-regulating strategies of managing depression and the roles that university authorities may play in helping students to regulate depression.
7.Gonococcal conjunctivitis: A case report
Norlina Anuar ; Nur Suhaila Idris
Malaysian Family Physician 2018;13(3):27-28
We report a case of acute gonococcal conjunctivitis in a 36-year-old woman who presented with
eye redness and a history of discharge for one month. Prior to presenting to us, she was treated for
bacterial conjunctivitis with three courses of local antibiotics by three different clinics after brief
assessments and without improvement. The final diagnosis of gonococcal conjunctivitis was made
after a complete history was elicited and supported by the presence of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae in
the eye swab culture test. She and her sexual partner were treated successfully with intramuscular
Ceftriaxone and oral Azithromycin. This case highlights the importance of complete history taking,
including sexual history, which translates into early recognition and treatment, thus preventing
8.Occupational Risk Factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome among Nurses in Medical
Anuar Ithnin ; Dinnee Kong ; Saraswathy Venkataraman
International Journal of Public Health Research 2012;2(2):137-143
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a hand disorder which indicates the presence of symptoms such as pain, numbness, and muscle weakness among the patient. CTS is an occupational related disorder which can occur in any profession. However, it can be prevented and managed. The aims of the research were to determine the prevalence of acquiring CTS among nurses who worked in the wards and occupational risk factors involving the upper limbs during nursing tasks performance. The specific aims were to determine the relationship between the prevalence of acquiring CTS and individual factors (age, gender, race, educational level, duration of work and medical history), relationship between the prevalence of acquiring CTS and occupational risk factors in nursing tasks. Nurses profession was chosen as they are performing multitask involving upper limbs especially the wrist joints. Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BCTQ) was used to determine the level of severity in CTS. Occupational risk factors were assessed by using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). This research was a cross sectional mode which was carried out at a government university medical centre from November through December 2010. Eighty nurses were involved in the research. The respondents were required to fill in the socio-demographic information sheet. Those having CTS were required to fill in the BCTQ. Assessments were performed by observing of the job activity through RULA. The results showed that the prevalence for nurses acquiring CTS is 7.5%. The RULA assessment also indicated that the risk factor was in the highest level with a score of 7. No relationship was shown between the prevalence of CTS and race, gender, educational level and medical history. Significant relationship was indicated by the prevalence of CTS and occupational risk factors. In conclusion, a significant prevalence of CTS related to age of more than 30 years old, Malay races compared to Indian, working experience of more than 10 years and respondents with right hand dominant. Occupational risk factors also indicated among the active nurses. Therefore, it is important for us to modify the work environment, work flow, work methodology and ergonomic factors in order to prevent the nurses from acquiring CTS. Furthermore, education about the condition of CTS should be implemented and reinforced especially among the higher risk nurses.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Upper Extremity
9.The Role of Nerve Exploration in Supracondylar Humerus Fracture in Children with Nerve Injury
Anuar RIM ; Gooi SG ; Zulkiflee O
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2015;9(3):71-74
The supracondylar humerus fracture (SCHF) in children is
common and can be complicated with nerve injury either
primarily immediate post-trauma or secondarily posttreatment.
The concept of neurapraxic nerve injury makes
most surgeons choose to ‘watch and see’ the nerve recovery
before deciding second surgery if the nerve does not recover.
We report three cases of nerve injury in SCHF, all of which
underwent nerve exploration for different reasons. Early
reduction in the Casualty is important to release the nerve
tension before transferring the patient to the operation room.
If close reduction fails, we proceed to explore the nerve
together with open reduction of the fracture. In iatrogenic
nerve injury, we recommend nerve exploration to determine
the surgical procedure that is causing the injury. Primary
nerve exploration will allow early assessment of the injured
nerve and minimize subsequent surgery.
Radial Nerve
Ulnar Nerve
10.Salvage of elbow function in chronic complex elbow fracture dislocation with total elbow arthroplasty: a case report.
Ramesh, Muthu ; Foead, Agus Iwan ; Ali, Anuar Bin ; Devadasan, Benard
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2013;68(4):353-5
In patients with an elbow fracture dislocation the incidence of radial head fracture is 36%, where as coronoid process fractures occur in 13%, and olecranon fractures in 4% of patients. Combination of all these fractures with a 'terrible triad' is rarely reported in the literature. We describe a 40 year old lady involved in a polytrauma who had head injury, pnuemothorax and an open fracture dislocation of the left elbow. The Injury Severity Score initially on admission was 44. She presented with chronic elbow instability with pain 1 year later. A semi constrained total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) with a Coonrad-Morrey prosthesis was performed in this complex injury involving fractures of the coronoid, olecranon, proximal third of the ulna and radial head malunion with heterotrophic ossification around the elbow joint. Although the survivorship of total elbow replacements has improved, it is still a procedure reserved to older patients with low functional demand. At 1-year follow-up, the patient had full range in flexion and extension. The Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS) was 100. TEA is a procedure which gains function and stability in a terrible triad elbow.