Thalassemia is a genetic disease with a high-incidence rate which has influenced the health condi-tions of newborns in south China. In this paper, we analyze the policy process of thalassemia prevention strategy in Guangxi based on John Kingdon’s policy stream theory, discussing the problem, policy and political flows of the strat-egy and analyzing how does the policy window open. We found that the thalassemia prevention policy was based on the deep understanding of the women and children’s health conditions, and the policy entrepreneur had made a pro-gram for alleviating to and eradicating the problem. In the condition of deepening health system reform, the thalasse-mia prevention policy in Guangxi had attracted the attention of policy makers. At a right political time for policy-mak-ing, the three above mentioned flows came in bond pushing the policy window open. As long as the thalassemia pre-vention policy process is analyzed based on the policy stream theory, it could be a good theoretical and practical ex-ample for other public health policy analysis in China.