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Author:( Anh Thi Lan Phan)

1.Overweight/obesity status and related factors among adults aged 50-59 in urban Hanoi

Hoan Van Pham ; Anh Thi Lan Phan

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;1(17):20-26

2.Separation and identification of glycoprotein in human serum of Fragile X syndrome

Anh Thi Lan Luong ; Hoan Thi Phan ; Phuong Thi Minh Nguyen ; Dung Tien Nguyen ; Chi Van Phan

Journal of Medical Research 2008;59(6):22-28

3.Study of the mutation of the CCR5 and SDF1 gene in the HIV-1 infected mothers and their children

Anh Thi Thu Phan ; Thuy Thanh Nguyen ; Lan Thi Phuong Nguyen

Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(2):16-22

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