1.Sudden onset of unilateral blindness.
Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(3):131-131
A 63-year-old gentleman presented with a two-day history of sudden, painless blurring of vision
in the left eye, immediately after waking up in the morning. He is known to have had diabetes
mellitus and hypertension for seven years, and a recent attack of angina pectoris. There was no
history of trauma and no associated neurological abnormalities. Visual acuity was 6/6 in the right
eye and ‘Counting Fingers' in the left eye. Ocular examination was normal in the right eye (Panel
A). Pupil examination of the left eye (Panel B) showed the presence of a relative afferent pupillary
defect (RAPD), in addition to the above shown abnormality in the fundus.
What is the diagnosis?
Answer: refer to page 153
2.Sudden onset of unilateral blindness (Answers).
Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(3):153-153
(Refer to page 131)
Answer: Left Non-arteritic Anterior
Ischaemic Optic Neuropathy (AION)
Panel A shows a normal right fundus with a
normal optic disc and retina, and the left fundus
(Panel B) showing sectoral optic disc
swelling with corresponding flame-shape
3.Absorbable ligating clip in laparoscopic hysterectomy
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research 2014;(34):5561-5565
BACKGROUND:Titanium clip, commonly used in abdominal surgery and obstetrics and gynecology surgery,
has a great damage to the vascular tissue, and its excessive clipping can cut off the vessel and produce artifacts and deflection MRI on MRI and CT scan. In addition, its biocompatibility is not wel that increases the risks for
local inflammatory response and scarring.
OBJECTIVE: To observe the clinical efficacy of absorbable ligating clip in laparoscopic hysterectomy and to evaluate its clinical value.
METHODS: Ninety-eight patients undergoing laparoscopic hysterectomy were randomly divided into two groups: 49 patients in the observation group were subjected to occlusion of the uterine artery by a Johnson absorbable ligating chip and then complete removal of the uterus; 49 patients in the control group were subjected to occlusion of the uterine artery with a titanium clip. Hospital stay and postoperative complications were recorded and
analyzed between the two groups.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The use of absorbable ligating clip in laparoscopic hysterectomy significantly shortened the hospital stay, and postoperative pain, adhesions, pelvic fluid, fever and other complications were significantly reduced (P< 0.05). In addition, no postoperative infection occurred in the two groups and there was no significant difference in the class A healing rate between the two groups (P > 0.05). The results suggest that absorbable ligating clip with better biocompatibility can help to reduce tissue reactions and promote tissue repair, which is characterized as effective, safe and reliable.
4.A Short Term Follow Up Comparison of Genu Varum Corrective Surgery Using Open and Closed Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy
Ali Tabrizi ; Jafar soleimanpour ; Ali Sadighi ; Ali Jafari Zare
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2013;7(1):7-12
Introduction: Knee deformity associated with osteoarthritis
(OA) is one of the most common complications seen in
patients referred to orthopaedic surgeons. High tibial
osteotomy (HTO) is an accepted method for treatment of
medial knee osteoarthritis with varus deformity. The aim of
this study was to compare results of osteotomy methods in
patients with genu varum (GV) deformity. Methods: In this
cohort study, the sample consisted of 32 patients with genu
varum deformity (42 knees) who were divided into two
groups and matched according to age and gender. The
patients were treated with open or closed wedge osteotomy.
After surgery, they were followed-up and compared for 6
months. Results: The sample consisted of 25 women
(87.2%) and 7 men (21.8%). Ten patients (31.2%) presented
with bilateral deformity. The incidence of complications was the same for both procedures (12.5%); this included one
peroneal nerve injury following closed wedge surgery.
Overall, patient satisfaction was 87.5% and 75% for the open and closed wedge methods respectively. Operative time,
days to full weight bearing, and days to return to routine
activities were significantly shorter for patients treated with the open wedge method (p<0.001). Conclusion: Open
wedged HTO is associated with shorter operating time,
shorter recovery time, higher patient satisfaction, and
probable lower risk of neurological injury.
5.An Empirical Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhoea: An Optimised Method for Developing Countries
Ali Safavi ; Amir Ali Safavi ; Rozita Jafari
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2014;21(5):37-43
Background: We aimed to test a new approach for repairing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks and to determine the demographic, diagnostic, and treatment factors associated with the successful management of intracranial complication. Owing to the high frequency of endoscopic surgeries and the low cost of medical care in Iran, we decided to report our experience of reconstruction after CSF leaks.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed our experience in the diagnosis and management of CSF rhinorrhoea in Iran between 2005 and 2012. The locations of all pre-repair leaks were identified using simple, readily available methods. The follow-up time ranged from 2 to 72 months.
Results: Of the 37 participants, 59.5% were men and the mean age was 33 years. The success rate was 86.1%, and the most common aetiological factor was trauma (57%). The most common location was the ethmoidal fovea (45.9%), followed by the sphenoid sinus (24.3%), the cribriform plate (13.5%), and the posterior table of the frontal sinus (5.4%).
Conclusions: Medical care in Iran has considerable budget restrictions. This study advocates a practical method of treatment for patients in similar circumstances, with a success rate of 86.1% when compared to the 90.6% achieved with other techniques.
6.Nonvisual ganglion cells, circuits and nonvisual pigments.
Chinese Medical Journal 2009;122(18):2199-2200
7.Optic perineuritis secondary to tuberculosis:A rare case presentation
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2012;(z2):1206-1208
A 58-year-old Malay lady, presented with gradual loss of vision in the right eye for 1 month duration. It was associated with right sided headache, nausea and vomiting. Patient had a history of contact with tuberculosis patient. On examination, visual acuity in right eye was no perception of light with presence of relative afferent pupillary defect. The left eye visual acuity was 6.0/7.5. There was a total restriction of extraocular movement in all direction (frozen eye) in the right eye. Both anterior segments were unremarkable. Fundoscopy in both eyes showed normal appearance of optic disc and retinal vessels. Other cranial nerves were normal. Lungs were clear and had no lymphadenopathy. Chest radiograph was normal. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was elevated by 35 mm/h and Mantoux test was positive (20 mm). MRI of brain and orbit demonstrated thickening and irregularity of the right optic nerve on axial view with doughnut sign on coronal view. Patient was diagnosed to have optic perineuritis secondary to tuberculosis. She was treated with anti-TB drugs. Systemic corticosteroid was commenced after 2 weeks. The visual acuity was improved to hand motion after 1 month with almost complete resolution of extraocular movement.
8.Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Presenting with Intraluminal Tracheal Mass Symptoms
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2013;68(2):164-165
Papillary thyroid carcinoma is a common thyroid
malignancy reported world wide. It affects females more
commonly in the 4th to 6th decades of life. The patients
usually present with a painless anterior neck mass and
occasionally with lymph node involvement. We report a case
of an elderly male who presented with hoarseness and
hemoptysis, which warranted bronchoscopy. Biopsy of the
intraluminal tracheal mass revealed the diagnosis of
papillary thyroid carcinoma. Computed tomography scan of
the neck confirmed the presence of the primary lesion in the right thyroid lobe with invasion into the adjacent trachea and esophagus.
9.Turkish Healthcare Providers’ Level Of Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Toward Diagnosis Related Group System – A Cross Sectional Study
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2016;16(1):121-128
Diagnosis-related group (DRG) system is patient classification system designed to produce limited number of classes which are relatively similar in terms of resource consumption and clinical characteristics. The aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of Turkish health care providers toward DRG system implemented in Turkey.A total of 238 healthcare providers were randomly selected from two urbanand one rural hospital in Turkey.A questionnaire was used for data collection; contacting 32 items (10 items about knowledge, 12 items about attitude and 10 items about the practice) and its validity and reliability were confirmed. Data analysis was performed using chi-square and multivariate logistic regression.In this study,only one third of healthcare providers showed good knowledge (35.7%) and good practice (37.4%) about DRG system,compared to 54.2% of them showed good attitude.There was significant difference between age, gender, occupation groups and whether the respondents have attended a workshop for DRG system in terms of KAP (p > 0.05).These results indicated the need for further actions to implement DRG system in terms of creation of suitable environment and increasing awareness among healthcare providers, especially male, medical doctors, nurses, elderly, and those who have never attended a workshop, in addition to regular review to ensure the program would reach its targets.
10.Facial three dimensional surface imaging: an overview
Archives of Orofacial Sciences 2010;5(1):1-8
The surface facial imagings have many applications in
medical fields. The recent past has seen great advances in three dimensional imaging which include laser scanning or
stereophotogrammetry. Here, we reviewed various systems with reference to image acquisition, advantages and disadvantages. Examples of important clinical application with reference to the human face are also discussed. Finally, a 3D imaging system at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is described.