The biological activity of a compound is assumed to be encoded in its chemical composition and
geometric structure, from which physico-chemical, electrotopological, and graph theory-derived properties
can be determined.
This study aimed to identify the molecular descriptors derived from Dragon® 6 software that can
discriminate compounds as drug or nondrug
Over 4000 molecular properties were obtained for approximately 2000 known drugs and 2000
nondrugs on which Linear Discriminant Analysis was performed.
Compounds can be discriminated between drug and nondrug with 81% accuracy using only two
molecular descriptors, the information index HVcpx and the topological index MDDD.
A “Rule of Three” (HVcpx ≤ 3 and MDDD ≥ 30) seems to confer druglikeness in compounds. This
rule can be used as additional filter in high throughput screening of compounds in any drug discovery research.
Discriminant Analysis
Drug Discovery