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Author:( Akiyoshi KASHII)

2.Development of a Format to Record Clinical Experiences of Trainees during the Initial Two-year Period of Postgraduate Clinical Training; A Study of Self-evaluation by Jichi Medical School Graduates.

Yoshiyuki MINOWA ; Michiyasu YOSHIARA ; Yuko MIYAKE ; Makoto NIIKURA ; Megumi MATSUMOTO ; Mikihisa FUJII ; Akiyoshi KASHII ; Saichi HOSODA ; Yasuo KAGAWA ; Yukio HIRAYAMA ; Taroo TAMADA

Medical Education 1996;27(1):37-47

3.Development of a Format to Record Clinical Experiences of Trainees during the Initial Two-year Period of Postgraduate Clinical Training. A Study of the Validity and Reliability of Technical Items in the Self-reporting Questionnaire.

Yoshiyuki MINOWA ; Michiyasu YOSHIARA ; Yuko MIYAKE ; Makoto NIIKURA ; Megumi MATSUMOTO ; Mikihisa FUJII ; Akiyoshi KASHII ; Saichi HOSODA ; Yasuo KAGAWA ; Yukio HIRAYAMA ; Taroo TAMADA

Medical Education 1996;27(2):99-103

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