1.Effects of the Spa Therapy on the Peripheral Circulatin of the Hemiplegic Patients
Masataka KATO ; Isao KIMURA ; Akira HANANO ; Goro NAMEKAWA ; Seiichi SAIJO ; Yasukatsu WATANBE
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 1970;33(3-4):91-97
Seven patients with hemiplegia due to cerebral apoplexy and 5 subjects without any sign of cardiovascular abnormalities (as the contol cases) were used in this study. Systemic blood pressure by sphygmomanometer, digital blood pressure and digital blood flow by digital plethysmograph were recorded and the peripheral vascular resistance was calculated from the values. The extensibility of arterial wall was calculated from transmission time of the pulse wave and length of the vessel. The effect of bathing therapy in hot spring water (sodium sulphate spring; bathing temperature ranging from 41-43C; bathing duration ad libitum) on the peripheral vascular hemodynamics was examined.
1. Effects of single bathing
In patients with hemiplegia, systolic blood pressure decreased 40mm Hg in the paralyzed, but slightly in the unparalyzed side, and also the decrease of digital blood pressure was greater in the former than in the latter. Digital blood flow increased and the peripheral vascular resistance decreased in both sides, and the rate of change was much greater in the paralyzed than in the unparalyzed side, respectively.
In the control cases, the changes were fairly comparable to those in the unparalyzed side of the patients except the extensibility of the arterial wall which was manifest in both sides of the patients but only scarce in the control subjects.
2. Effects of repeated bathing
In patients with hemiplegia who had taken the bathing therapy for 30-90 days, the digital blood flow increased and the paripheral vascular resistance decreased but without noticeable differences between the paralyzed and the unparalyzed side, and the size of the increase or the decrease was almost equal to that in the control subjects. Increase in the extensibility of arterial wall was found more in the patients than in the controls. In general the effects of repeated bathing were less distinguished than those of single bathing.
2.Case of Success in Halting the Progression of Renal Failure among Patients with Low Protein Diets.
Tatsuo SHIIGAI ; Toshihiko HATA ; Koji HATTORI ; Hitoshi IWAMOTO ; Yoshitaka MAEDA ; Akira OOWADA ; Kunihiko KATO
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1995;44(1):16-21
Seven years ago, we began the “Toride Project” which aimed at organized care, mainly on based a low-protein diet (LPD), for chronic renal failure patients. This project cumulatively involved 486 patients, and 219 of them have been followed up at our hospital.
In this paper, we report the 12 patients who had before shown progressive deterioration of renal function and turned out stable (less than 5% change) in creatinine clearance (Ccr) for 12-54 months after involved in the project. Their diseases were chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN; 10 cases) and nephrosclerosis (NSC; 2 cases), and the mean Ccr was 20.9±1.3 (SE) ml/min (16-32 ml/min). All of them carried out the well maintained LPD (0.62±0.02 g/kg/day), and showed relatively low urinary protein excretion (UPE; 0.4±0.2g/day). In contrast, 10 other cases (CGN; 9, NSC; 1) showed persistent deterioratiom of renal function even if they continued the LPD (0.60±0.02 g/kg/day). They significantly showed higher UPE (1.6±0.3 g/day, p<0.05) than the 12 cases mentioned above. Moreover, frequent examination revealed that the day-to-day change in their protein intake was more widely distributed (coefficient of variation; 19.5±1.3% vs 10.8±0.6%, p<0.05).
3.Four Cases of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis.
Koji HATTORI ; Miho TAMURA ; Akira KATO ; Shinkan YO ; Yukihito MINATO ; Tatsuo SHIIGAI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2002;50(5):715-720
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EG) is characterized by infiltration of eosinophils into the wall of the digestive tract, and the clinical spectrum seems to depend on the predominant site of eosinophilic infiltration of the wall.
We experienced four cases of EG, and two of them (Cases, 1 and 2) manifested massive ascites, suggesting the principal lesion is located on the serous coat. Case 3 manifested abdominal pain and vomiting, and muscle layer involvement of the duodenum was detected by ultrasonography and CT scan. In case 4, epigastralgia was a main symptom. An endoscopic examination revealed marked redness and erosion of the gastric mucosa associated with massive infiltration of eosinophils. In this case, mucosal involvement seemed to be the main lesion because hypertrophy of the gut wall thickness was not found by ultrasonography and CT scan.
Although the pathogenesis of this disease is obscure, allergic mechanism may play an important role. Three cases had histories of allergic diseases, and steroid therapy resulted in prompt disappearance of symptoms.
4.Early Infantile Growth and Cardiovascular Risks inAdolescent Japanese Women
Hiroki Ohmi ; Chieko Kato ; Martin Meadows ; Kazuyuki Terayama ; Fumiaki Suzuki ; Michiko Ito ; Yoshikatsu Mochizuki ; Akira Hata
Journal of Rural Medicine 2013;8(1):176-180
Objective: Early life events connected with the risk of later disease can occur not only in utero, but also in infancy. In study of the developmental origins of health and disease, the relationship between infantile growth patterns and adolescent body mass index and blood pressure is one of the most important issues to verify.
Materials and Methods: We analyzed the correlation of current body mass index and systolic blood pressure of 168 female college students with their growth patterns in utero and in infancy.
Results: Body mass index and systolic blood pressure in adolescence showed positive correlations with changes in weight-for-age z scores between 1 and 18 months but not with those between 18 and 36 months. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that both change in weight-for-age z scores from 1 to 18 months and body mass index at 1 month were significantly and independently associated with systolic blood pressure in adolescence. Body mass index at 36 months was positively correlated with body mass index in adolescence, while body mass index at birth was negatively correlated with body mass index in adolescence.
Conclusion: Our findings shows that restricted growth in utero and accelerated weight gain in early infancy are associated with the cardiovascular risk factors of high systolic blood pressure and high body mass index in adolescence. In Japan, an increasing proportion of low birth weight infants and accelerated catch-up growth after birth have been observed in recent decades. This might be an alarming harbinger of an increase in diseases related to the developmental origins of health and disease in Japan.
5.Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Bone Quality of the Mandible Reconstructed by Particular Cellular Bone and Marrow Combined with Platelet Rich Plasma
Muneharu Iwamoto ; Akira Matsuo ; Noriko Kato ; Sawako Takeuchi ; Hidetoshi Takahashi ; Satoru Hojo ; Hiroshige Chiba
Oral Science International 2009;6(2):63-72
Concerning the bone structures of the mandible reconstructed by particular cellular bone and marrow (PCBM), platelet rich plasma (PRP) and tray, we have examined the possibility of implant insertion by clarifying the morphological conditions in each compact and cancellous bone on computed tomography (CT), and by observing the differences in their CT values.Using the computer software program Sim Plant (Materialize Dental, Leuven, Belgium), we morphologically observed 6 cases of implant inserted area after mandibular reconstruction and 11 cases of native bone, and examined the differences in their CT values. The osseointegration rate of each inserted implant was also evaluated.Compared with the native bone group, the PCBM reconstruction group had generally thin compact bone. In the over-3cm-length PCBM reconstruction group, the average CT value was 259.7 ± 94.4 HU (n = 3) in the cancellous bone, whereas in the native bone group, the average CT value was 528.9 ± 140.1 HU (n = 10). Therefore, the PCBM reconstruction group showed significantly lower CT value than the native bone group. However, in the under-3cm-length group, the PCBM reconstruction group showed no significant difference compared with the native bone group. The osseointegration rate of the inserted implants almost 6 months after insertion was 100% in the PCBM reconstruction group and 94.1% in the native bone group.Although the PCBM reconstructed bone had thinner cortical bone and showed lower CT value compared with the native bone, implant insertion was possible.
7.Results of mass screening for breast cancer in rural districts of Akita prefecture.
Akira Suzuki ; Hironori Kato ; Susumu Kishibe ; Yuji Ono ; Cho Morooka ; Kazuhiko Takano ; Tadanobu Watanabe ; Tomio Matsuoka ; Toshio Ikeda ; Takeshi Sugaya
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1985;34(4):803-807
This present study was conducted among the nine centers of Akita prefectural Welfare Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives. This applied to women over 30 years of age, and carried out following to the standard method of the Japan Cancer Society.
The total of women examined by the first screening from April 1983 to January 1985 amounted to 15903, of which the number of women over 60 years of age was only 7 per cent of the total. According to the type of screening, the number of women slightly more in the center screening than in the local screening. However, in both types of screening, the number of women examined by the combination method, for example, anemia or uteric cancer, was much higher than that of the mass screening for breast cancer alone.
The second screening rates indicaded a marked difference of 0.4 to 21.7 per cent depending on the location of the center. The over-all average for the second screening was 3.8 per cent. As a result of the second screening, breast cancers were detected in 12 cases (0.07%). The breast cancer detection rate increased with age. It is notable that the breast cancer detection rate for women over 60 years of age was 5 times higher than for women over 40 years of age. Among other diseases detected in the second screening were mastpathy (233 cases), fibroadenoma (15 cases), mastitis (40 cases) and others.
As far the stage distribution and screening history for detected breast cancers, 60 per cent of all cancer cases were diagnosed as stage I, and 70 per cent were the initial screening. Seven out of 12 cases were aware the breast lump themselves before the first screening. From this point of view, it was suggested that every women should be educated in order to perform selfexamination.
8.Clinical Support of Laboratory As a Culture room in In-Vitro Fertilization Program
Toshio SHIMIZU ; Jun KANEMOTO ; Kyoichi MIYAGAWA ; Akira TAKEDA ; Sayaka CHIGA ; Hiroko SAKON ; Kiyoshi KATO ; Takaaki HONDO ; Kaoru KIMURA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2009;58(1):39-45
Taking charge of in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer in the laboratory per se amounts to a form of clinical support. To infertile patients, it would be of great benefit if laboratory technicians make direct contact with them and give a full account of the procedure.The apprehensions entertained by them regarding infertility treatment would be removed by hearing what they want to know.In hopes of dispelling the patients' fears and doubts, we have recently started to dialogue with the patients. The face-to-face interview has made us feel confident in what we are doing aside from the lab work and feel a sense of responsibility. Moreover, we have become aware of the need to further devote ourselves to reproductive medicine in order to improve the treatment outcome.One third of the questions frequently asked by patients concerns the quality of embryos and the risk of birth defects, which are issues that challenge us involved in reproductive medicine. To give answers to these and other questions most aptly, it is necessary to share all the up-to-date information, data and knowledge among members of the staff concerned.As the tasks to be grappled with fromnow on, there are problems with unsuccessful cases after repeated IVF trials and an increasing number of patients rangingin age from 45 to 49 years. Where the infertility treatment stops is yet to bedecided in the case of elder women.For providing information and psychological support sought by patients, we keenly felt that there is a necessity to establish a closer collaborative inter-departmental relationship.
Laboratory culture
therapeutic aspects
9.Preoperative CT Scanning of 70 Cases of Rheumatic Valvular Disease.
Akira TAKE ; Shigeru MATUZAKI ; Shinichi OKI ; Tutomu YAMAGUCHI ; Tutomu SAITO ; Nobuyuki HASEGAWA ; Hiroyuki HORIMI ; Yoshio MISAWA ; Morito KATO ; Tuguo HASEGAWA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(3):267-273
Seventy patients with rheumatic valvular disease were evaluated with preoperative CT scanning. The correlation of the obtained CT images to the operative findings were examined. Left atrial thrombi were found in 24 cases at the operation. CT scan had detected thrombi in 19 cases (79.2%) and echocardiography in 15 (62.5%). CT failed to find them in 5 cases in which the left atrial thrombi were less than 3g. Echocardiogram, however, failed to detect thrombi in 9 cases, the largest being 14g. There were 15 cases with left atrial calcification, in which 10 cases had left atrial thrombi. Nine cases out of these 10 cases had rough left atrial surface after thrombectomy. Early postoperative CT of 10 with left atrial calcification showed recurrent left atrial thrombi in 4 (40%) cases. Mitral valve calcification was found in 42 cases during operation. CT scan was able to detect it in 40 (95.2%), while echocardiogram detected in 34 cases (81.0%) (p<0.05). All mitral valves with calcification required replacement. Out of 30 cases with non calcified mitral valves, 9 underwent OMC, and the other 21 underwent mitral valve replacement. Aortic valve calcification was found in 9 out of 11 cases with aortic stenosis. All has been diagnosed by CT scan. In conclusion, 1. In detecting the left atrial thrombi, CT scan was superior to echo-cardiography, and provided useful information for planning the operative procedure including atrial approach and valvular manipulation. 2. CT scan could detect calcification of left atrial wall which had high incidence of thrombus formation and rough left atrial surface. 3. CT scan could detect calcification of both mitral and aortic valve, and showed the severity of valvular structural changes.
10.Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Accelerates Invasion of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Takashi Hase ; Shuichi Kawashiri ; Akira Tanaka ; Shinichi Nozaki ; Natsuyo Noguchi ; Koroku Kato ; Hiromitsu Nakaya ; Kiyomasa Nakagawa ; Etsuhide Yamamoto
Oral Science International 2006;3(1):1-9
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) on cancer cell invasion and on fibroblast proliferation in an in vitro model of invasion. Three kinds of human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines with different invasive activity were used: OSC-20, OSC-19 (lower invasive type), and HOC313 (higher invasive type). FGF-2 and its high-affinity receptors FGFR-1 and FGFR-2 were detected by western blotting. The expression of FGF-2 and FGFRs mRNA was examined in cultured human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Furthermore, recombinant human FGF-2 (rhFGF-2) was reacted with each cell line, and the invasion rate was determined by invasion assay. We also observed the behavior of cancer cell invasion in the collagen gel invasion model in the presence or absence of FGF-2-neutralizing antibody (anti-FGF-2). HOC313 cells showed higher expression of FGF-2 than OSC-20 and OSC-19 cells. The addition of rhFGF-2 promoted not only the proliferation of fibroblasts, but also the invasion of all cancer cell lines. In contrast, the addition of anti-FGF-2 completely inhibited the invasion of OSC-20 and OSC-19 cells. These results suggest that a higher invasiveness of squamous carcinoma cells is associated with higher production of FGF-2, which acts in an autocrine fashion to promote cancer cell invasion, and in a paracrine fashion to promote fibroblast proliferation.