1.Study on the Cooling Methods for Children with High Fever.
Emiko OONO ; Naomi TAKAHASI ; Akiko ASANO ; Yayoi YOSHIDA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2002;51(2):134-136
It is difficult to cool children with high fever by the conventional method because they cannot keep quiet in the bed, playing briskly or clinging on to their mother's bosom. We have devised new cooling methods available in any posture of the children. Cooling agents were packed into a rucksack or vest to cool the back, or into a rag doll to cool the axilla. The effectiveness of these devices was examined. The mothers of the patients at the age of 1 to 3 selected one of the three cooling methods randomly. As a result, the rucksack type were the vest type were accepted by their children for many hours, and were effective in lowering bode temperature in 65% of the cases. The mothers also seemed to like the new cooling methods. They commented that their children are free from restraint and the cooling devices are conveniently invisible for them.
2.An Attempt to Curb Overuse of Dialysis
Tatsuo SHIIGAI ; Naganori SATOH ; Yoshitaka MAEDA ; Naoto INABA ; Akiko FURUKAWA ; Akiko YOSHIDA ; Tomomi UNO
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2011;60(2):85-95
The number of dialysis patients in Japan is increasing every year. The medical expense for dialysis patients has now surpassed well over 7 per cent of all medical costs. This has become a great burden on national finance. The D3-30 project was started in April 2006 for Toride city residents. The purpose of this project was a 30% reduction of the yearly number of new dialysis patients in three years. Toride city is located in southern Ibaraki prefecture; it had a population of 112, 152 in fiscal 2006, and 19% of the residents were over 65 years of age. The treatment procedure for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients at the predialysis stage comprised the following four parts: 1. control of blood pressure, 2. mild restiction of protein and sodium intake, 3. administration of antiproteinuric drugs (angiotensin receptor blocker, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, some calcium channel blocker, etc.), and 4. multifactorial treatment. CKD patients were recruited through introductions from hospital registered doctors and public health nurses. Some patients entered voluntarily. The number of patients that started dialysis was counted by inquiring at the dialysis center of Toride Kyodo General Hospital and eighteen neighboring dialysis centers. In 2005, before intervention, 36 patients started dialysis; subsequently, the number of patients was 30 in 2006, 33 in 2007, 22 in 2008, and 23 in 2009. The rate of decrease was 39% in 2008 and, 36% in 2009, so the aim of the project was achieved. If this treatment becomes widespread, it will contribute greatly to the curtailment of medical expenses. However, the difficulty of the treatment may hamper its spread. For it to spread, it is necessary to add the new medical fee for guidance and management for CKD patients.
3.Help to Mothers Anxious about Their Children Admitted in a Hospital "Through Creative Play".
Misao KOBAYASHI ; Mutsuko ITO ; Akemi TEISHI ; Akiko NARA ; Mihoko YOSHIDA ; Aiko SATO ; Akiko SHIBATA ; Hiroshi ITOGA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1996;45(1):37-40
Many young mothers get nervos when their children in hospital fret or cry at night. This problem has been regarded as a result, at least in part, of a deficiency in nursing time and experience of child care in this age of nuclear family or dualincome family. We thought, that it would be possible to reduce their anxiety if they were trained and had personal experience getting contact with other children and nurses.
By way of acting out this idea, we invited them to participate in creative play such as “origami”(the craft of paper folding) and evaluated how it worked based on a questionnaire obtained from 50 mothers. The results indicated that they became able to take care of thier children properly according to the health condition of each child after having relationships with other children, mothers and nurses through the group play. Such experience has naturally helped the mothers to gain knowledge and skill in child care. In the present surrey, 96% of the respondents said that they were happy to be together with their children in a hospital, and all acknowledged that they had learned many things through communication with other children and mothers. We conclude that this way of learning by experience through creative play is effective in relieving the anxiety of mothers about child care in a pediatric hospital.
4.Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Peritonitis in a Patient Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
Yoshitaka Maeda ; Tomomi Uno ; Akiko Yoshida ; Akiko Takahashi ; Naoto Inaba ; Tatsuo Shiigai
Journal of Rural Medicine 2008;4(2):75-79
Non-tubercuous mycobacterial (NTM) infection in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients has been rarely reported. We report a case of a 55-year-old female on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). After a 2-year-history of recurrent exit-site infection of a PD catheter caused by Mycobacterium abscessus (M. abscessus), the patient was admitted to the hospital with signs of peritonitis. Since the same species, M. abscessus, was isolated from the CAPD effluent, multiple antibiotics were administered. However, the treatments could not relieve the symptoms of her infection. Consequently, the PD catheter was removed. Her condition gradually recovered over the course of subsequent, long-term, empirical antimicrobial therapies. NTMs, especially a rapidly growing NTM infection, have rarely been reported in PD patients and are commonly resistant to a variety of antimicrobial agents. Routine acid-fast staining is most likely helpful in promptly initiating treatment against NTM infection in PD patients. Moreover, an appropriate treatment regimen for a rapidly growing NTM infection should be established by accumulating data from cases as reported here.
Infection as complication of medical care
Peritoneal Dialysis, Continuous Ambulatory
5.Measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate by Rapid Intravenous Injection of a Newly Developed Inulin Fraction
Yoshitaka Maeda ; Yuya Araki ; Tomomi Uno ; Akiko Yoshida ; Keisuke Nishigaki ; Naoto Inaba ; Hiroaki Hayashi ; Yoshiharu Deguchi ;
Journal of Rural Medicine 2011;6(1):9-15
Objective: Since the conventional drip-infusion method for measuring inulin clearance (Cin) has problems related to its accuracy and performance, we explored a more accurate and concise method by rapid intravenous injection of a newly developed inulin fraction (Inulead®), in which spot urine sampling was omitted and the administration period of inulin was shortened from 120 to 5 minutes. Patients and Methods: Twenty seven patients (M/F: 15/12, 67.8 ± 12.9 years old) admitted to the Nephrology ward were enrolled in this study. Inulead®, 1500 mg dissolved in 150 mL of saline, was intravenously administered in 5 minutes. Then, sequential blood samplings and urine collection were performed for 24 hours. Cins were calculated by the following three formulae: (1) a pharmacokinetic analysis using a two compartments model based on the plasma inulin concentration to determine Cin, which was the administered dose divided by the area under the curve (AUC) from 0 to ∞, (2) urinary inulin excretion divided by the AUC for 24 hours and (3) the Bayesian method using a three-point set of plasma inulin concentrations to predict the change of inulin concentration to determine Cin as in 1. These Cins were compared with levels of estimated GFR (eGFR), creatinine clearance (Ccr), serum β2 microglobulin (β2MG) and serum cystatin C (Cys C). Results: Cins obtained by the above three methods were well correlated with each other (r. = 0.9088 – 0.9998) and with eGFR (r. = 0.8286 – 0.8650), Ccr (r. = 0.821 – 0.864), 1/β2MG (r. = 0.631 –0.752) and 1/CysC (r. = 0.830 – 0.857). The averaged differences of each Cin from eGFR were distributed between –4.4 and –4.5 mL/min. Conclusion: Since the Cins by rapid inulin injection showed satisfactory correlation and differences with other GFR parameters, this method will be a good alternative to the drip infusion method, and may reduce the burden of patients and medical staff.
6.Staged Operation for a Patient with Ischemic Heart Disease and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Complicating Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Akiko Tanaka ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Hiroya Minami ; Masato Yoshida ; Hidefumi Ohbo ; Tsutomu Shida
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(1):29-32
A 62-year-old man, who had been given a diagnosis of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), was admitted to our hospital for an operation for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Preoperative coronary angiography revealed severe triple vessel disease, and we chose to treat this first. The platelet count on his first admission was 2.1×104/μl and preoperative immunoglobulin infusion was introduced for 5 days. Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) was performed safely with platelet transfusion, and he was discharged on the 14th postoperative day. Thirty-eight days later, graft replacement of AAA was performed with preoperative immunoglobulin infusion and no platelet transfusion, and he was discharged at the 11th postoperative day. Preoperative immunoglobulin infusion therapy and selection of OPCAB were useful to prevent perioperative bleeding complications. This is the first report of staged cardiac and aortic surgery in a patient with ITP.
7.Report on the First 5 Years of the "Generalist 80 Universities Angya Project"
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2018;41(3):110-117
The Young Primary Care Doctors' Organization of the Japan Primary Care Association (JPCA) launched the "Generalist 80 Universities Angya Project" in 2011 to increase contact between generalists and medical students or residents interested in general hospital medicine, family medicine and primary care. The project targeted students interested in family medicine, primary care and hospital general medicine who do not participate in nationwide seminars. The project helps medical students and residents hold voluntary seminars at their university campus about family medicine, primary care and hospital general medicine. From 2011 to 2016, the project supported 129 seminars attended by 3,569 people at 63 universities. A questionnaire survey on 11 seminars between September 2013 and February 2014 revealed that 66% of medical students had never participated in JPCA family medicine summer seminars for students and residents. By holding seminars at university campuses, we targeted different participants from those at the nationwide seminar.
8.A Survey of the Current Status of Fentanyl Sublingual Tablets and Evaluation of Problems Associated with Their Proper Use
Norio Watanabe ; Sachiko Hosokawa ; Takuya Yamada ; Chikako Yoshida ; Akiko Suzuki ; Naruhito Anbe ; Masaya Ito ; Ikie Niwa ; Keiko Yamamura
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2017;40(1):27-32
Objectives: A survey was conducted to investigate the usability and safety of fentanyl sublingual tablets (FST) and to examine problems associated with their proper use.
Methods: Subjects were 18 cancer inpatients who received FST for breakthrough pain in their pharmacological cancer pain management. Changes in the pain score and the occurrence of adverse effects (nausea, vomiting and somnolence) were compared before and after FST administration.
Results: The pain score before FST administration was 6.4±2.4, and this was significantly improved to 3.4±2.8 at 30 min after administration (p<0.01). Somnolence occurred significantly more often 30 min and 2 h after FST administration than immediately before administration (p<0.05). There were no differences in the occurrence of nausea and vomiting before or after FST administration. Nine patients receiving FST therapy developed xerostomia, but there were no significant changes in the pain score or occurrence of adverse effects while they had xerostomia.
Conclusion: It is essential to observe the oral condition to judge whether FST therapy is indicated, and FST should be administered after providing sufficient oral care. The results indicate the possibility of increased occurrence of somnolence as an adverse effect.
9.A Case of Successful Transaortic Endovascular Stent Grafting for Distal Aortic Arch Aneurysm with Severely Calcified Chronic Aortic Dissection
Masato Yoshida ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Hidefumi Obo ; Hiroya Minami ; Kenichi Kim ; Ayako Maruo ; Kazuhiro Mizoguchi ; Takeshi Inoue ; Akiko Tanaka ; Tsutomu Shida
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(4):282-286
A 74-year-old man was admitted to our hospital to undergo an operation for distal aortic arch aneurysm with chronic aortic dissection. The first operation was attempted through left lateral thoracotomy. Since the aorta had a severely calcified false lumen, conventional aortic replacement was considered to entail greater risk and graft replacement was given up. As an another option, endovascular stent grafting via the aortic arch through median sternotomy was selected as a second operation. Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest with selective cerebral perfusion was used during delivery and deployment of the stented graft through the aortotomy site. The distal stented graft was deployed into the true lumen at the ninth thoracic vertebral level. Neither endoleaks nor complications were observed. Postoperative computed tomography showed complete thrombosis of the distal aortic arch aneurysm and the false lumen. The postoperative course was uneventful. Transaortic endovascular stent grafting is an effective and less invasive treatment for aortic arch aneurysms with severely calcified aorta.
10.The study on opioid switching for the purpose of the quality of life improvement in the gynecologic cancer
Nao Suzuki ; Ayako Yoshida ; Yuko Nakagawa ; Miho Hatano ; Noriyuki Yokomichi ; Shinji Hosonuma ; Norihito Yoshioka ; Tatsuru Ohara ; Akiko Tozawa ; Kazushige Kiguchi
Palliative Care Research 2012;7(2):363-367
Oxycodone controlled-release (CR) tablets are used as a first-line opioid analgesic for cancer pain. However, use of oxycodone CR tablets is associated with toxicities such as drowsiness and constipation, leading to deterioration of the quality of life (QOL), especially in patients with gynecologic cancer. In contrast, fentanyl has a superior toxicity profile while still showing a strong analgesic effect. Although fentanyl has been approved for switching from opioid, there have been no Japanese studies of patients with gynecologic cancer who were switched to transdermal fentanyl after experiencing toxicity during therapy with oxycodone CR. More importantly early introduction of palliative therapy for pain has not been adopted routinely in the management of gynecologic cancer. Thus, it appears that treatment for patients with gynecologic cancer remains unsatisfactory at present. We conducted research into improvement of the toxicity profile and pain control with the aim of improving QOL for patients with gynecologic cancer. We showed that pain, drowsiness, and constipation could be significantly improved in gynecologic cancer patients as a result of switching to transdermal fentanyl therapy at an early stage.