The volatile compounds of trogopterorum feces were collected by using a simultaneous distillation and extraction (SDE) equipment. The chemical composition of the enriched volatile was examined by means of capillary gas chromatography (GC) and combined GC-mass spectrometry (MS). Fifty one constituents of the volatile were preliminarily identified by GC-MS, which amounted to 56.3% of the total peak area. Of these compounds, 33 were further verified by measuring their temperature-programmed retention indexes (TPRI) or retention times. They amounted to 35.7 % of the total peak areas. The main constituents of the volatile are dedecanoic acid (7.00%);alphacedrol (4.41%); pyrazine, tetramethyl-(4. 10%); tetradecanoic acid (3.37%); ethanone, 1-(3-methylphenyl)- (2.53%); benzaldehyde (2.42%); phenol, 2-methoxy-(2.11% ). The compound classes consist of alcohols (10), ketones (8), aldehydes (6), olefines (5), acids (4), and phenols (4).