Caesarean section without medical indication imposes many problems to families,
personnel and medical equipment causing some side effects to pregnant woman and foetus,
compared to natural childbirth. The present study aimed to evaluate the interventions in reducing
caesarean section in the world. This study was a systematic review using Embase, PubMed,
Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, Magiran and SID databases and grey literature. All studies
conducted during 2000–2018 were reviewed and finally the studies with inclusion and exclusion
criteria were selected. A total of 19 studies were selected among 5,559 studies. The interventions
conducted for reducing caesarean section included training the specialists and women by using
Six Sigma method, changing the guidelines, reviewing the definition of natural childbirth various
stages, encouraging the natural childbirth and expanding painless childbirth. All interventions
were divided into educational strategy and managerial strategy. The interventions can be
implemented to change the behaviour of physicians and attitude of pregnant women in order to
reduce caesarean section. In this regard, the authorities are recommended to make more efforts.